The combination of animated slapstick and deadpan film-noir cliches makes for comedy gold, with the best lines going to Bob Hoskins’ tortured 1940s detective and Joanna Cassidy as the tough dame who loves him. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) Steve Martin and Michael Caine are on fire in this...
16. DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS (1988) Image Credit: Orion Pictures. Comedy is sure to ensue when you put Steve Martin, Michael Caine, and Glenne Headly together. Freddie Benson (Martin) is stepping on the toes of another con artist, (Caine), but for all their worldly knowledge, they don’t...
Early reviews of Paul Feig’s box office smash focused on the down and dirty nature of the film, using terms like “rude and crude” and “exuberantly raunchy” and “not afraid to mix women with potty humor” to express the full scope of the film’s apparent depravity. But while “...
“We wanted to speed it up so they could dance to it,” explains David Zucker, who insists they didn’t hate the original film. “I liked it,” he says, “but at the same time, I thought it was stupid. We liked all the Airport movies and we liked all the Dirty Harry movies. ...
After thinking for a long while, the Irishman scribbled up and down the trunks and handed the paper back to the interviewer. The interviewer looked at the drawings and said: “But that is not ninety-nine!”“Oh yes, it is”, said the Irishman, “Dirty tree + dirty tree + dirty tree...
Jefe:When do you think Carmen will ‘open up her flower’ to you? El Guapo:Tonight, or I will kill her. “What’s tequila?” The Three Amigos walk into a dirty saloon full of Banditos. Everyone in the bar is terrified. They incorrectly assume that the Amigos are ruthless killers. ...
Everything’s possible. To save time and set you on the right track, here are some of the best jokes ever in two lines! It might not seem much, but trust us, they pack a punch! From hall-of-fame-worthydad punsto existential jokes about the harshness of life and the competition that...
I see him running through the rain and darting underneath the south fence of Hummingbird Lane. Whether it’s to visit the house with the wood stove, to chase off that large tuxedo cat, to nuzzle that woman with the floral perfume, or just for the thrill of getting his paws dirty, I’...
not particularly enjoyable nor relevant to the greater “mystery” at hand, making me not particularly care about their fates and even hoping for their deaths. It also didn’t make sense why people’s dirty laundry would be floating around in augmented reality orbs for others to listen in on...