OK, we have finished this story, let’s have a look at the new words and phrases. 好,故事读完了,让我们一起来读一读故事中出现的一些新单词和词组吧。 Now, let’s finish some tasks.让我们一起来完成一些任务吧! Task...
There are different intensity levels for saying goodbye. For example, you wouldn’t say goodbye the same way to a friend you’ll see again next week as to a friend you won’t see again for a long time. Words and phrases are context-specific, so knowing multiple ways to say goodbye wil...
Beware of Your Doctor Uttering These Phrases During Surgery Damn! Page 47 of the manual is missing! Better save that. We’ll need it for the autopsy. Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what’s that? Oh no! I just lost my Rolex. …and could you stop that thing from beatin...
You must have heard from your parents that they used humor as a tool to keep themselves different from anyone else and make the situation hilarious with funny jokes. Since there were no such platforms asFacebook,Twitter, and so forth, people shared a joke to bring smiles to their friend’s...
Thank you for using phrases like “hummingbird masculinity” and “I pray this woman a poem.” And lastly, thank you for noticing that everyone in our group was from a different place. I was happy about this too and so comforted by it. Whitney, thank you for the sensual and shadowed ...
And the top search phrases folks used to find my blog this year (these always make me laugh) are: texas, colorado life, kathy lynn harris, cool whip, what are texas men like, is dr pepper bad for you Happy New Year, Everyone!
What do they mean How do we use them And where did they come from Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don’t understand the culture behind it...
In fact, though hard to believe, many would-be writers try to fool other people’s people by copying or altering phrases from the Holy Bible — their work becoming known as “Bibe-zies” or even “Holy Bibleoni, hold the macaroni.” ...
Funny Rap Videos to Learn English Even if you don’t listen to rap music, you can enjoy some of the funny rap videos found online. Rap is a great learning tool because it uses lots of vocabulary and phrases that might be used in everyday life. There are also many cultural and pop re...
To close out 2022, participants were asked to “write a sentence discarding what you don’t need to make room for what you do.” Their contribution could take any form they wanted. Responses were edited very slightly, occasionally removing punctuation and opening phrases like “I”m saying go...