Common Chinese Phrases For Saying Goodbye No one likes goodbyes – but there comes a time when we all must say them. Luckily, the word for “goodbye” in Chinese literally means “see you again!” #117 再见! Zàijiàn! –Goodbye! (Dzye jyen) #118 明天见! Míngtiān jiàn! –See you...
There are numerous ways to say goodbye in Greek, depending on who you are speaking with, what time of day it is, and how affectionate you want to be. Each of these words and phrases is useful in its own context. Let’s go over all of the useful phrases for saying goodbye in Greek ...
This is similar to saying “May it go well for you” in English, which is a courteous way to say goodbye. Le agradezco por su tiempo.Que le vaya bienen sus proyectos.(I thank you for your time. I hope everything goes well for you in your projects.) Me despido— I bid you farewe...
Finally, here are a few useful phrases for saying goodbye. #74Au revoir !– Good bye!(the standard phrase) (oh ruh vwah) #75Bonne journée !– Good day!(the feminine form ofbonjouris used at the end of a conversation) (bonn jour nay) ...
Saying Goodbye: "Goodbye." "See you later." "Take care." Learning these essential phrases will not only help you communicate effectively but also boost your confidence in using English. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to use these phrases in your daily...
Goodbye: 再见 (Zàijiàn) These useful Chinese expressions of politeness are crucial in maintaining harmony and showing respect. Whether you’re asking for directions, making a purchase, or simply finding your way through crowded places, these phrases will help you do so gracefully. ...
- yes that's technically the word for cow, but it's also slang for awesome! Let's get this language party started! Greetings and Goodbyes -free video lesson Hello - 你好 (nǐ hǎo) Goodbye - 再见 (zài jiàn) Good morning - 早 (zǎo) or 早上好 (zǎo shàng hǎo) ...
10 Ways to Say Hello and Goodbye10 Informal Ways to Say Yes and No10 Ways to Ask How Someone Is 10 Ways to Say How You Are 10 Ways to Say “Thank You” 10 Ways to Respond to “Thank You” 5 Phrases for Apologizing 5 Ways to Respond to an Apology10 Phrases for Introductions ...
Additionally, there are common phrases used for saying hello (greetings) and phrases used for saying goodbye (closings) that are adjusted according to the formality necessary for the letter. In English and in French, letter writing is an important skill....
It's a sweet and caring way to say goodbye to someone. 9. "I'm going to crash." This phrase is very casual and means you're going to bed, often because you're extremely tired. 10. "I'm going to count sheep." This playful phrase is a way to say you'r...