respectful manner of answering the phone. Remember, humor is subjective, and what might amuse one person could potentially offend another. Always take into account the caller's perspective, the topic of conversation, and the overall context of the call. ...
“22. A relationship without trust is like a cell phone with no service, all you can do is play games. ” “23. I miss the days when you could just push someone in the swimming pool without worrying about their cell phone. ” “24. They say “don’t try this at home” so I’m...
As we said earlier, introverts aren’t big fans of pointless talking. That means they don’t like answering phone calls, either. So consider yourself lucky if an introvert actually answers the phone for you. 27. See you after a million years!
My phone's battery is low; that's why I'm going to kill. I have no reasons to kill; that's why I'm going to kill. I'm breathing; that's why I'm going to kill!"Episode 7 - Lest's Bring The Hell(The stupid yet hilarious training of voice between Katarina and Mana took ...
90+ Funny Things to Say When Answering the Phone Download Article Plus, more tips for being casually funny when you’re on the phone Co-authored by Aimee Payne, MFA Last Updated: January 7, 2025 Fact Checked Short Openers | Movie & TV Quotes | Dirty Lines | Jokes | Fake Business An...