Never mind that she can still walk fine, finish her daily crossword puzzle, and pour the two fingers of vodka she drinks every afternoon. Bottom line — Louise wants a caretaker even less than Tanner wants to be one. The two start off their living arrangement happily ignoring each other un...
The fact that Billy insults Roddy McDowall (also underused) in his first scene sets the tone for how he comes across for the remainder of the film, and that's tough to endure. There's also no Kay Medford and no Walter Pigeon. However, if one were to watch this at face value NOT ...
His line of research is to discover whether women who have not one, but two Xchromosomes display heightened symptoms. Normal Male X Y Affected Male X Y Normal Women X X Affected Women X X Super Affected Women X X Research Chinese doctors say that the football World Cup offers a great ...
There are also the comic insults, listed so as to be used in instant one-line put downs –“You don’t have a face, but a fireplace” reads one. But my particular favorites are the ‘doctor’ jokes: “A person went to a doctor and said “doctor, whenever I get up from sleeping, ...
Folks, I love my husband. He’s a good man. He is not, however, a perfect one. He can be bossy, patronizing, and dismissive. His assertiveness can cross the line into bullying. He says the wrong thingmostof the time… but my stars has he come through on the feat that is potty ...
I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me, and the second one didn't. Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house. I am a marvelous housekeeper. Every time I leave a man I keep his house. (Naughty ...
Needed if you’re in the car with one of the world’s worst driversFive finger discount –something that’s free if you steal it without being caught. Australian Slang is like another whole language in itself! If English is your second language (and even if it is your first!) those ...
“Everyone can name at least one superhero who gained special powers after being exposed to nuclear waste. Who knows, your kid might fall in a drainage ditch and come out Mutant Kung Fu Crawdad.” Radon goes on to say, “Hair loss has its advantages too. Just think of all the money yo...
One liner jokes:Are you looking for some that almost only consists of one line, look no further. Here you will find a long list of one liners . Dead baby jokes:I am a father of two children, this is why the category was a bit strange to me to create. These are all about dead ...
These crazy cards will inspire you to inscribe each one with a message of your own that will scale new literary heights. Besides our hefty line of greeting cards (literally and figuratively — we have a great selection of jumbo cards), we pride ourselves on our customer-friendly policies ...