Next time don’t get my hopes up Aug 23 20,218 2166 bymature4 Share Raise your hand if… Funny Aug 18 3,774 274 bymature4 Share It’s happened to the best of us Funny I have totally done this before…. Aug 11 2,717 199 ...
Happy Sukkot Happy Valentines Day Happy Veterans Day Happy Wedding Anniversary Happy World Egg Day Happy Yom Kippur I Miss You International Day of Peace Jokes Memes Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Gifs Natural NSFW Stupid People WOW WTF WTF
snarky inspirational quotes about sarcastic inspirational memes sarcastic motivational quotes work on inappropriate inspirational quotes inspirational jokes funny success quotes ironic inspirational quotes and inspirational sarcasm sarcastic happy quotes on learned that pleasing Most Funniest Quotes which are also ...
Real-life examples:Many people consider clowns, jokes, comedies, pranks, and Internet memes to befunny.These things cause most people to laugh. Used in a sentence:The comedian knew a lot of funny jokes. Funnyalso describes someone who is trying to get others to laugh or is trying to amuse...
Getting old is inevitable. The best thing you can do is embrace it and laugh about it. We hope that these funny memes about getting old were able to help you take aging a little less seriously. More than that, we hope that they were able to help you appreciate life a little big more...
Dear boys and girls, it’s time for funny scientific riddles! Don’t be said if you don’t understand them – maybe it’s a good reason to increase knowledge. If they are a piece of cake for you, just don’t stop, the smarter you are the more hilarious compound jokes you understand...
Leave me alone and be quiet, please and thank you. Social Anxiety Meme All memes and jokes aside, social anxiety is real. Shy vs Introvert Meme This is a great example of telling the difference between is someone is shy vs introvert. Is it oh no people, which would be shy. Or the ...
This is the best day to make your mother special and let her know what she means to you. Make her feel special with some gifts, flowers, quotes and add a pinch of laughter with it by dedicating them some cool and funny mother’s day memes, funny jokes, one-liners and more. ...
We are sharing meeting memes today guys, because omg – we all have been in the office, sitting around the table with co-workers and clients – thinkingis this a joke?The only jokes we like in regards to this are these memes about meetings!
But we can unite virtually through these absolutely hilarious introvert memes! As an introvert myself, I spend an embarrassing amount of time perusing the internet for funny pictures and jokes that perfectly sum up my solo, homebody lifestyle. But among all the relatable introvert content out th...