Gardening Jokes and Funny Stories If you wish to be happy for a day, get drunk. If you wish to be happy for a week, kill a pig. If you wish to be happy for a month, get married. But if you wish to be happy forever and ever, make a garden. ...
Bank Manager: She’s about five feet tall and $250,000 short. Five of Will’s Favourite Short Jokes Two men from Ireland were Talking in a Pub ‘I wouldn’t go to America if you paid me,’ said Michael. ‘Why is that?’ asked Patrick. ...
THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY birthday JOKES: 1 - Sam's girlfriend's birthday was the same day as his father's. He bought his girlfriend a bottle... More ›› 2 - A kindly old lady came across a little boy sitting on the pavement crying his eyes out. 'What's... More ››...
Funny Jokes all over the world This page featuring humour from all over the world, fits in with our idea of something for everyone. In this age of ‘Political correctness,’ at least one person a week writes in with a cheap shot criticizing Irish, Women, Polish, or Welsh jokes. Our re...
What's so special about short funny jokes and why do we find them so funny? • Their sudden twist: What makes a joke different from the mere funny story or humorous tale is this: You are nice comfortably going along the lines until a sudden verbal explosion hits you - the climax. ...
JokesFair-best website for free online jokes. Here you'll find latest cool comical funny jokes, dirty, knock knock, clean, hilarious humorous, official jokes. Hope you'll enjoy and make your heart healthy by unlimited laugh.
THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY vampire JOKES:1 - Did you hear about the doctor who crossed a parrot with a vampire ? It bit his neck, sucked his... More ›› 2 - Why was Dracula always willing to help young vampires? Because he liked to see new blood in th... More ›› 3 ...
Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations 喜剧演员根据悲剧情节 like violent death or serious accidents. 诸如暴死 重大事故等来编造笑话 Many people find this sort of joke distasteful. 许多人认为这种笑话是低级庸俗的 The following example of 'sick humour' 下面是个病态幽默的实例 will enable you ...
These clever Easter jokes, riddles, and puns will entertain your whole family this spring. Easter knock knock jokes let kids and adults alike get in on the fun!
We’ve compiled hundreds of the best and entertaining jokes all around, to put a smile on your face, post and share with your friends to keep the fun going! You’ll be laughing your “app” off in no time! Feeling rundown? Set how many times a day you would like to receive joke ...