Funny Games: Michael Haneke द्वारा निर्देशित. Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Michael Pitt, Brady Corbet के साथ. दो मनोरोगी युवकों द्वारा
影片导演迈克尔·哈内克同样是1997年奥地利原版的《趣味游戏》的导演。 摄制组在布景的时候使用了1997年版《趣味游戏》的图纸。所以两个版本里主角的家是一模一样的。 新版本的《趣味游戏》是逐个镜头地翻拍老版《趣味游戏》。 经典台词 Paul: You can see it in the movie right? 复制 Peter: Of course...
BOOS! and WHOOP-DOOS!: The End of Year Movie Blow Out 2008! We look at all of the movies that made us Boo! and Whoop-doo! This past year. By B. Alan Orange Dec 20, 2008 DVD, Blu-ray Release Dates Funny Games Brings the Thrills to DVD on June 10th This critically-acclaime...
>趣味游戏美国版 Funny Games 原名: Funny Games 片长: 111 分钟 官方网站: 制片国家/地区: 美国, 法国, 英国, 奥地利, 德国, 意大利 编剧: 迈克尔·哈内克 导演: 迈克尔·哈内克 上映日期: 2007-10-20 又名: 趣味游戏, 大快人心, 恐怖游戏, 大刽人心, 疯杀游戏, ...
Funny Games is a 2007 thriller by Austrian film director Michael Haneke. Starring Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, and Michael Pitt, the movie explores the concept of senseless violence in the modern world. The plot revolves around a family: George and Ann Farber, a couple, and their son Georgie. Th...
Funny Games——无人生还 对于这部电影很负责任地说我不算喜欢,但因为Michael Haneke还是觉得不说不快。 估计“惊世骇俗的暴力导演”这个称号,老爷子就是通过此片得来的。当然,不通过直接的血腥描述而令人不寒而栗,做到让暴戾无因却心悸不止,不是一般人可为的。前有功力“冰冻三尺”的[冰川三部曲]... (展开)...
Funny Games is a shot-by-shot remake of the original, which means it's hard to watch but impossible not to.
趣味游戏美国版 趣味游戏,大快人心,恐怖游戏,大刽人心,疯杀游戏,Funny Games U.S. 状态:已完结 主演:娜奥米·沃茨/蒂姆·罗斯/迈克尔·皮特/布拉迪·科贝特/戴文·吉尔哈特/博伊德·盖恩斯/希芳·法隆 导演:迈克尔·哈内克 年份:2007 地区:美国/法国/英国/奥地利/德国/意大利...
Funny Games - Film (Movie) Plot and Review Funny Games - Film (Movie) Plot and ReviewAustria, 1997 Director: Michael Haneke Production: Wega-Film, Vienna; distributed by Metro Tartan Distributors; first released 14 May 1997; color; sound: Dolby Digital; running time: 108 minutes, 59 seconds...
In recent decades, Austrian director and screenwriter Michael Haneke has become internationally known for disturbing and often brutal films that seek to undermine viewers' expectations while holding them guilty for the crimes playing out on-screen. When Haneke's German-language Funny Games premiered at...