BOOS! and WHOOP-DOOS!: The End of Year Movie Blow Out 2008! We look at all of the movies that made us Boo! and Whoop-doo! This past year. By B. Alan Orange Dec 20, 2008 DVD, Blu-ray Release Dates Funny Games Brings the Thrills to DVD on June 10th This critically-acclaime...
Funny Games: Michael Haneke द्वारा निर्देशित. Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Michael Pitt, Brady Corbet के साथ. दो मनोरोगी युवकों द्वारा
2007 1 hr 52 min 6.5(105,174) 44 Funny Games is a 2007 thriller by Austrian film director Michael Haneke. Starring Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, and Michael Pitt, the movie explores the concept of senseless violence in the modern world. The plot revolves around a family: George and Ann Farber...
Funny Games - Film (Movie) Plot and Review Funny Games - Film (Movie) Plot and ReviewAustria, 1997 Director: Michael Haneke Production: Wega-Film, Vienna; distributed by Metro Tartan Distributors; first released 14 May 1997; color; sound: Dolby Digital; running time: 108 minutes, 59 seconds...
Funny Games is a shot-by-shot remake of the original, which means it's hard to watch but impossible not to.
Also ranks #2 on The Best Movies About Playing Video Games Also ranks #4 on The Best Movies About Being Yourself And Self-Love 79 Short Circuit Ally Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, Fisher Stevens 10 votes After a lightning bolt gives it human emotions and intelligence, a military robot escapes and...
Movie Info Official Site Themes Cult | Dark | Mind-Bending/Experimental | Violent Tags Breaking The Fourth Wall, Cult, Dark, Golf Club, Lake, Mind-Bending/Experimental, Remote Control, Sadism, Serial Killer, Violent Attributes ...
ack in 1997, German director Michael Haneke made “Funny Games,” a disturbing yet thought-provoking thriller that toys with the viewer’s place as a voyeur. This remake, also written and directed by Haneke, features an all-new cast in the Hollywoodized, English-language standard. The proble...
Synonyms for FUNNY: humorous, comedic, amusing, comical, comic, ridiculous, entertaining, hysterical; Antonyms of FUNNY: lame, serious, unfunny, humorless, earnest, solemn, somber, severe