- Phoenix: No more excuses! *sigh* Never mind. Take your sit... - Katarina: Ahn? Why? - Phoenix: You are in my class since from the first year. You arrive late in my classes every day for three years! This happened so often that I become used to it. You always end up figh...
[Gym Teacher] left us alone, and we went to the principal’s office to get me unenrolled. The principal then tried to come up with all manner of excuses why she couldn’t just sign the singular form, which both of my parents shut down rather quickly. One signature later, I was unenro...
All types of funny jokes, jokes for kids, jokes for adults, knock Knock jokes, doctor jokes, religion jokes, marriage jokes, cheating jokes, animal jokes, puns, one liners, dirty jokes, silly jokes, police jokes, prison jokes and many more.
People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special. And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP because it is blocked UP. We open UP a store in the morning but we close it...
I dont like arrogant people who dont admit mistakes and find excuses (Everyone make mistakes, simply admit and make amends.) I dont like people who only care for the whole nation’s GDP and in turn their lovely salaries, instead of loving the whole nation together with their people. ...
Betty if you go to the bathroom, you must come back to the table, be a grown-upJames junior eat what’s on your plate you’re not getting something else sonten three-quarter-pound burgers with plain-bun no-mayo oodles-of-ketchup no phones at the table, no screaming, don’t call da...
even if it meant asking our unsupportive parents for help and bearing yet another lecture about why we should be working in our uncle’s office furniture business instead of entertaining people who have meaningful jobs like fighting fires, teaching children or writing imaginative excuses about why ...
I used to be healthy but now I am sick I used to be a Masters in Social Work student but now I am a writer, because I got sick I used to be a writer but now I am a waiter I used to be an irate driver, road raged but now I am serene, calm and cool, despite what is goi...
After I had Violet and Scarlett, I was so focused on finding my footing as a twin mom and getting myhealthback, that getting my physicalselfback really wasn’t a priority. I was so sick that the girls wereseven months oldthe day I realized I could lift their stroller into the hatchback...
When your mind sees something like that, you’re immediately trying to find excuses for the dog. Maybe the biker had sat in some ice cream. Maybe the dog was salt deficient. Perhaps the man was delicious. But I knew, deep down, that none of this was true. So now I’m watching a ...