Find out here best funny jokes, naughty jokes, dirty jokes, hilarious jokes, joke of the day, clean jokes, long jokes and many more...
幽默笑话大全(Funnyjokes) 1.oneday,Ariesandalionwalkintothediningroom.What doesthebosssayyouwant?Thesheepsays,"onesetmeal.". ThankyouThebossaskedagain,"isyourlionnothungry?""No," saidthesheep."THANKS,"thebossgaveupandasked,"really?" Thesheepsaidyes,thebosswassomewhatunwillingtoask:"you ...
Bar & Drunk Jokes Heaven & Hell Jokes Religion Jokes Doctor & Hospital Jokes Jokes About Men Jokes About Women Comeback Jokes Family Jokes Jokes For Kids Political Jokes Police Jokes Dad Jokes Marriage Jokes Senior Jokes Cheating Jokes Army Jokes Plane Jokes Car Jokes ...
Funny Clean Police Jokes Police Officer in Court Q: Policeman, when you stopped the defendant, were the red and blue lights flashing on your police car?A: Yes. Q: Did the defendant say anything when she got out of her vehicle?A: Yes, sir. Q: What did she say?A: What disco am I...
Clean Circus Jokes Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: ‘Does this taste funny to you?’ Circus Supremo: P.T. Barnum P.T. Barnum, the owner of the Barnum & Bailey Circus was the originator of the phrase “There’s a sucker born every minute”. Sometime in the...
We also have given here very cool sms messages, cool sms jokes for your friends and colleagues. Send them these cool sms on their cell phones. Independence Day sms Messages DO you love your Country? Of course you do. Then why not send these cute lovely Pakistani Indian independence day sms...
Joke Links: [ Food Jokes | Jokes | Golf Jokes ] Funny Cartoons of the Day! Check out the cartoons below! Throw More Than Snow New! Your Tax Dollars New! Alien Brooklyn Landing New! Redneck Cookie House Redneck House Alarm NASA's New Funding Will You Marry Me? First Moon Landing ...
Why do dogs like cell phones? They have collar ID. 25 Just Plain Funny Jokes For Kids TODAY What did one toilet say to the other? You look flushed. What do clouds wear under their clothes? Thunder-wear. What did the volcano say to the other? I lava you. ...
- The Fallen: [Enough with DEM jokes. They make me Fallrious. That's horrible! Why can't I be just like you?!] - Adolf Hilter: Real life always wins. - Jacobo: Well, I could have gotten here sooner, but I stopped on my way to plow YOUR mother! ] - Misogi: He was a tr...
These full-contact rugby jokes are the funniest in the 6 Nations! So if you like giggling at goals or chuckling at crash tackles then we've got your back! And once you're finished here, head up and under to some of ourfootballorsportsjokes! Or if you'd rather something totally differe...