Dobler says, is generally useless. We are living in a welfare state. The legal system is a joke. And here is yet another striking irony: That someone who once got embroiled in a fight at a Manhattan bar called the Tittle-Tattle the night before a disciplinary hearing...
歌词 Dirty Money. Other. Shit Out Of Luck. 脏钱. 其他. 妈的倒霉. ... I'm losing my mind paranoia's got a hold on me there's no place to fucking hide house raids, phone tpas it's all a fucking joke with all this constant... ...
(Unless, of course, you’re using these lines on someone in front of their partner, in which case you go at your own risk. Jealous partners are no joke, so use these lines wisely.) Rocketman Excuse me, I’m so sorry to bother you, but I’m from NASA, and I’ve just received ...
This new amazingly funny free android app brings to you a wide range of hilarious jokes that are sure to leave you laughing out loud rolling on the floor. Read a joke, share it with your friends, improvise it for more fun and make each day a fun filled happy day. Choose from a list...
It only takes a cursory glance at your phone's homescreen to see that most of the best things about phones aren't provided by the carrier. This isn't a new idea: the "everything except make calls" joke about the iPhone has provided the most material to late night stand-up routines si...
We’ve also got Jen Sue Aside here in Dumbing of Age, per the tags. TheKelliestKelly April 5, 2020 at 12:21 am | # I always imagine that you are the age, race, and gender as whichever character is your gravatar Regalli April 5, 2020 at 12:32 am | # Hell, I have tr...
EVERYTHING in Buffalo has a buffalo on it. No joke. But of everything from Buffalo that is stamped with a buffalo, this is my favorite. So you’re probably wondering how I turned a B race that was supported by a lackluster training plan and a taper period filled with little rest and...
"Some guys joke, 'Oh, you have a bedtime,'" Harris says, dodging the shade. "But I've got to be able to function the next day at the top level." This is how Tobias Harris rolls: On off-days, he'll make sure he's done with everything by 6 p.m. so he can be in bed ...
Many years I heard someone joke that Vancouver had only two seasons: “Wet” and “Roadwork”. I might suggest revising the two seasons to be “Wet” and “Parched” because this summer was the driest that I can remember. We had almost four months with very little rain, and it was th...