Dig Deeper Surprising Facts You Didn't Know About Back to the Future And Deeper Ways 'Back to the Future II' Predicted The Future Also ranks #1 on The 90+ Best Movies Of 1985, Ranked 3 The Sandlot Tom Guiry, Mike Vitar, Patrick Renna 148 votes The Sandlot is a nostalgic ode to the...
He is also running a series called Yesterday I Asked You (YIAY), which is based on a bit Douglass did in JackAsk where he asked his viewers questions and read his favorite answers to the viewers. He makes fun of incorrect grammar and spelling on his Your Grammar Sucks series. 7 479 ...
Or what could go wrong when you're fishing for compliments? Fun Fact Comics are here to answer all of your questions. Fun Fact Comics were created by a 29-year-old-guy. "During the day I'm an architect and at night I'm a professional TV-series watcher," he told Bored Panda. "I'...
10 surprising facts about The Simpsons you didn’t know 10 best Blumhouse horror movies, ranked 10 best comedies of the 1990s, ranked Homer wonders what life would be like if he actually did the deed, imagining himself as a wealthy senator with Marge as a go-go dancer...
Did not think that this can be carried in the boot/trunk , the response in continuation. Posted at 7:41 AM. Another track player or ? In fact, the field near the Dutch town Dussen after police chase for the driver, driving a vehicle under the influence of drugs (cocaine). Posted at...
Did you spot the circle-shaped photo of good old Len at the bottom right corner? Love this guy. Alamy Stock Photo by Mick Sinclair Usually, headstones are written by family and friends to honor the deceased, but Leonard decided he would do the opposite. And we're loving it - why not...
14 40 Times People Were Not Prepared To Overhear The Conversations They Did 15 30 Charts That No One Probably Needed, But Here They Are Anyway 16 43 Weird Facts Explained In The Simplest Possible Way, Courtesy Of This IG Page 17 50 Uplifting Memes And Posts For That Daily Dose Of ...
“We did that just as it was,” explains David Zucker, “and then we added drinking. And then amphetamines. And finally glue-sniffing. In Kentucky Fried Theater, we learned to build a joke and to not do the most outrageous one first — that’s what you see in Airplane!”...
Speaking of Boston, did you know that Beantown has been ranked as the funniest city in America for 2023? That's right Boston trumps all other cities when it comes to the funny department. Shiny Smiles Veneers conducted the study and based on their criteria found that Boston is the funniest...
What do you call an ant who likes to play the piano? A pianist-ant. What did the elephant say to the ant at the party? “You really know how to bring the energy to a small gathering!” Why don’t ants get sick? Because they have tiny ant-bodies!