Succession of fungi on dead and live wood in brackish water Brunei. Mycologia 96:219-225.Fryar SC, Davies J, Booth W, Hyde KD, Hodgkiss IJ (2004) Succession of fungi on dead and live wood in brackish water in Brunei. Mycologia 96:219-225...
We observed the sequence of fungi appearing on submerged wood of Hibiscus tiliaceus that initially was either dead or alive. Branches that were dead, but still attached to the tree, and live branches were cut from H. tiliaceus in the riparian vegetation in a brackish habitat on the Tutong ...
In forest ecosystems wood-inhabiting fungi are an ecologically important species group. We addressed the question whether or not the traditional methodology to survey only coarse woody debris provides accurate estimates of the assemblages of wood-inhabiting fungi or the dead wood itself. In this study...
A hallmark of the fungi is their network of branched tubular cells, called mycelium, but there are many variations on this theme. Mycelium can be very condensed, with a tissue-like appearance (for example in the case of Cladosporium halotolerans, Segers et al., 2016) or can be very loosely...
Abundant worldwide, most fungi are inconspicuous because of the small size of their structures, and their cryptic lifestyles in soil or on dead matter. Fungi include symbionts of plants, animals, or other fungi and also parasites. They may become noticeable when fruiting, either as mushrooms or...
on the good side, a fungus also produces the medicine penicillin. About 100,000 different species of fungi exist. When you see a light-colored splat on a tree or rock in the woods, it is probably a lichen, which is a fungus and an alga living in a symbiotic relationship, benefiting ea...
In some areas of the wood, the tracheid walls are characterized by erosion troughs, which represent areas that have been delignified by the enzymatic activities of the fungus. The patterns produced on the tracheid walls in Callixylon are similar to those formed by living basidiomycetous fungi ...
InTable 8.1, the effects on wood cell walls are compared with true rot fungi. View chapter Microbial valorization of lignin: Prospects and challenges R.Reshmy, ...RaveendranSindhu, inBioresource Technology, 2022 1.3Brown-rot and soft-rot fungus ...
Throughout the country there are ancient woodlands that are managed to make them favourable places for fungi to grow. Lleaving fallen wood in situ, for instance, encourages the growth of saprophytic fungi, which are nature's own waste-disposal team. Tidying up dead wood may be pleasing to ou...
can be explained based on the tree species abundances (May, 1991). However, for other rare broadleaf species, strong tree species preferences are unusual and difficult to understand. Wood-inhabiting fungi in temperate forests tend to be specific to tree species even when the trees are rare. ...