Bucur, V.; Navarrete, A.; de Troya, M. T.; Sanchez, E.; Garros, S.; Diez, R. 1993: Fungi decay in wood by combined nondestructive testing. Ultrasonics International 93 Conference Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, 6–8 July 1993, p 287–290...
Current knowledge about Italian wood-decay fungi (Basidiomycota and Ascomycota) is surveyed: 1582 taxa belonging to Ascomycota (341) and Basidiomycota (1241) have been reported, including 23 species new to science of Basidiomycota described from Italy within the last five years. Evaluating diversity ...
Wood-decay (WD) fungi are of main importance for recycling wood components in particular carbon in biogeochemical cycles and can be used as biological tools to valorize wood biomass in energy or paper industry. Conversely, they cause considerable losses in silviculture, arboriculture, or viticulture ...
英文: Ligninolytic enzyme system examination and laccase production of wood decay fungi中文: 木腐菌氧化酶系检定及漆酶产生的研究 英文: Wood-decaying Fungi in Guizhou,China中文: 贵州木材腐朽菌物 英文: CULTURAL CHARACTERS OF WOOD-ROTTING FUNGI中文: 木材腐朽菌培养特性的研究综述 ...
The present study represented an effort to characterize the assemblage of wood-decay fungi associated with forest ecosystems in northwest Arkansas. Specimens of fungi were collected from two different study areas. These were Pea Ridge National Military Park and Devil's Den State Park. In addition, ...
网络释义 1. 木腐菌 双语教案-第9章... ... ? 2,树脂囊( resin pocket) ? 1,木腐菌(decay fungi of wood) ? 1,应压木( compression wood) ... read.cucdc.com|基于2个网页
Correlation of C-13-NMR analysis with fungal decay tests of polymeric structural wood constituents. I. Basidiomycetes Brown rot fungi attack polymeric carbohydrates of nontreated Scots pine sapwood at C4, resulting in cleavage and eventually depolymerization of cellulose and ... Boonstra,MJ,Pizzi,....
Worrall, J., S. Anagnost, and R. Zabel. 1997. Comparison of wood decay among diverse lignicolous fungi. Mycologia 89:199-219.Worrall JJ, Anagnost SE, Zabel RA (1997) Comparison of wood decay among diverse lignicolous fungi. Mycologia 89: 199-219....
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