(redirected fromfundus of eye) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to fundus of eye:macula,ocular fundus fun·dus (fŭn′dəs) n.pl.fun·di(-dī′)Anatomy The portion of a hollow organ opposite or farthest from its opening. [Latin,bottom.] ...
Eye Anatomy | Diagram, Parts & Functions from Chapter 29 / Lesson 15 83K Learn about the anatomy, parts, and structure of the eye with scientific and layman vocabulary. Discover how the eye allows the passage of light and stimuli. Related...
It provides a bird’s eye view of entire layers on the retina (the interior surface of the eye) and allows your doctor to provide the most accurate diagnosis. Many times, certain internal eye landmarks are more visible in fundus photography than other eye examinations, for example, fluorescei...
The fundus shows myopic changes; no flecks were detectable at the posterior pole or periphery of either eye. The whole FAF image is enhanced post-acquisition to visualize the abnormally low background intensity and better to reveal the irregular paracentral changes, present bilaterally. D) Full-...
Within the scope of this book, the term covers those regions of the eyeball which, in normal eyes, are not visible without indentation: the most peripheral zones of the retina, the ora serrata, the posterior ciliary body and the vitreous base . The remaining sections of the eye will be ...
n.(anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from its opening "the uterine fundus" 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) The stomach can be divided into fundus, body, and antrum. 胃可分为底部,体部和窦部。
fundus的意思fundus 英英释义 noun 1. (anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from its opening e.g. the uterine fundus the fundus of the stomach
CONCLUSION: It is better effect of exponential curve method on improving contrast of image of eye fundus.(结论:用幂函数曲线法来提高眼底图像对比度的效果是比较好的。) Fundus image is one of the most important medical images.(眼底图是一种重要的医学图象。) Objective To investigate the causation...
1. (anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part farthest from its opening; "the uterinefundus" 同义词 bed 行业词典 动物学 胃底容精球 医学 [拉]〔复fundi〕底,基底:任何物体的底或基。〔NA〕中为一通称,指器官的底部或基底,或一空腔脏器离其口最远的部位...
n.(anatomy) the base of a hollow organ or that part of the organ farthest from its opening "the uterine fundus" 双语例句 用作名词(n.) The stomach can be divided into fundus, body, and antrum.胃可分为底部,体部和窦部。 The splenic artery supplies the area of the fundus by way of ...