【四种眼底照相仪器检查】 1️⃣ 彩色眼底照相 Fundus Photo ✅ 2️⃣ 欧宝眼底照相 Optomap 3⃣️ 眼部A/B超 4⃣️ 光学相干断层成像 OCT ✅【高度近视】1️⃣2⃣️3⃣️4⃣️ ✅ 【青光眼】1⃣️4⃣️视神经 ✅ 【黄斑变性】1⃣️4⃣️黄斑部 ✅【哺光...
50.3); the spots spare the foveal region, are located at the deep retinal layers, and are typically present in the first decades of life.27,28 Patients are either noted to have an abnormal retinal appearance on a routine eye test or present with problems in dim illumination. On direct ...
The fundus of the eye was investigated by fundus photo connected with a personal computer used a special software. The following results were observed. Tortuosity and/or narrow arteries and/or wide veins were observed on the fundus of the eye of 18 boys and 19 girls (altogether 37 patients)...
15.Nowadays the light collected by the lens or mirror of a telescope is directed to a photographic plate rather than to the astronomer's eye.被望远镜的透镜或反射镜所收集的光线,如今直接射到照相底板上,而不是天文学家的眼睛里。 16.One has to process a photographic film to print pictures from ...
Greene pioneered the technique of using the anterior chamber of the eye for tumor growth (e.g., the Brown-Pearce carcinoma, Greene melanoma, etc.) with the use of the ACU tumor (Greene, 1958; Greene and Saxton, 1938). At least two other rarely occurring tumors have been described as ...
With a purpose of photographing both the fundus and the visual field with one single exposure under direct observation, we developed a photo-perimeter. Fundus camera with infra-red TV was so modified that you might photograph fundus after plotting visual field with a target in response to a sub...
Differentiation of marrow stromal cells into photoreceptors in the rat eye. Retinal degenerations and dystrophies are the major causes of genetically inherited blindness that are characterized by the apoptotic death of the photorec... K Anthony,WY Shen,AS Wilson,... - 《Journal of Neuroscience》...
Present Applications for Retina Photo-Based AI Algorithms As an extension of the central nervous system, the retina has been used as a window into the body for diagnostic purposes. This can be illustrated by the term “cerebroscopy,” coined by Xavier Galezowski in the 19th century to describe...
Fundus imagingcaptures the mainanatomical structuresof the retina, namely theoptic disk, macula, fovea, and blood vessels (Fig. 1a). Pathological changes (some of which are illustrated inFig. 1b) in these structures and elsewhere in the retina signal different eye diseases (Mookiah et al., ...
4257687Eye examining instrument with photo-detecting system1981-03-24Kohayakawa351/7 Primary Examiner: BOVERNICK, RODNEY B Attorney, Agent or Firm: BRUMBAUGH, GRAVES, DONOHUE & RAYMOND (NEW YORK, NY, US) Claims: I claim: 1. Eye fundus camera including objective lens means having an optical ...