In short, such policies accentuate the characteristics of a dual education system and make teaching, teaching work and school establishments even more precarious.CORRA FILHO, Itamar de OliveiraPAIXO, Jairo Antnio daTrabalho & Educao
FUENTES CANOSA, ADELACOLLADO RUANO, JAVIERSophia, Colección de Filosofía de la Educación
FUNDAMENTOS EPISTEMOLGICOS EN LAS CAPACIDADES COGNITIVAS PARA EL APRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMTICASdoi:10.33975/riuq.vol34n2.1045MATHEMATICS studentsEDUCATIONAL attainmentMACHINE learningLEARNINGIn Latin America, most students of different educational levels have difficulties learning mathemati...