The relationship between work and education emerged in the beginnings of humanity and the interference of one factor over the other constitutes a bond of identity that makes them inseparable. However, this relationship evolved over time and several factors began to influence it a...
In conclusion, this type of relational model, located in the interdisciplinary framework, could be demanding an evolution towards a transdisciplinary approach: with the establishment of an effective bi-directionality that incorporates professionals and educational researchers as active a...
FUNDAMENTOS EPISTEMOLGICOS EN LAS CAPACIDADES COGNITIVAS PARA EL APRENDIZAJE DE LAS MATEMTICASdoi:10.33975/riuq.vol34n2.1045MATHEMATICS studentsEDUCATIONAL attainmentMACHINE learningLEARNINGIn Latin America, most students of different educational levels have difficulties learning mathemati...