“Nuclear forces are so strong it means the energy in the nucleus is a million times stronger than what you see in the electrons, which means that if the fundamental constants of nature deviate, the resulting changes in the nucleus are much bigger and more noticeable, making measurements orders...
Sol`a, Running vacuum in the Universe and the time variation of the fundamental constants of Nature, arXiv:1605.06104 [hep-ph].H. Fritzsch, R.C. Nunes & J. Sola`, Running vacuum in the Universe and the time variation of the fundamental constants of Nature, e-Print: arXiv:1605.06104....
In this instance, the discovered fundamental limit provides a useful theoretical guide of what to aim for. It also tells us that we should not waste resources trying to beat the fundamental limit because the constants of Nature will mold the viscosity at or above this point. Fundamental phy...
In this sense only dimensionless constants are "fundamental". Similarly, the possible time variation of dimensionless fundamental "constants" of nature is operationally well-defined and a legitimate subject of physical enquiry. By contrast, the time variation of dimensional constants such as c or G ...
摘要: Published results of the gravitational constant, a measure of the strength of gravity, have failed to converge. An approach that uses cold atoms provides a new data point in the quest to determine this fundamental constant. See Letter p.518...
And this means that rather than being based on an arbitrary, physical object that can change over time, definitions are based on the fundamental constants of nature. Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly described the use of the Kibble balance. hide by...
There are two kinds of fundamental constants of Nature: dimensionless (like α ≃ 1/137) and dimensionful (c - velocity of light, ħ - quantum of action and angular momentum, and G - Newton's gravitational constant). To clarify the discussion I suggest to refer to the former as funda...
公式和常数手册(Handbook of Formulae and Constants) 热度: a r X i v : 0 7 0 8 . 4 3 6 1 v 1 [ p h y s i c s . g e n - p h ] 3 1 A u g 2 0 0 7 MIT/CTP-3847 Fundamental Constants ∗ Frank Wilczek Center for Theoretical Physics ...
Fundamental constants Fundamental Constants and Precision Measurements Fundamental Constants Data Center Fundamental Control Channel Fundamental Counting Principle Fundamental Critical Care Support Fundamental Data Structure Fundamental descriptors Fundamental Difference of Experience ...
The fundamental constants and their variation: observational status and theoretical motivations This article describes the various experimental bounds on the variation of the fundamental constants of nature. After a discussion on the role of fundament... Uzan,Jean-Philippe - 《Physics》 被引量: 1138...