The chapter seeks to problematize the policy requirement to promote "Fundamental British Values" in English schools. Historically, research shows Britishness to be fluid, evolving, and often difficult to define for White British and ethnic minority young people, as well as for pre-service student ...
Through our Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE) programme, spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is a mandatory teaching requirement in all schools in England. SMSC education is also the vehicle through which we teach Fundamental British Values (FBV). One...
Fundamental British ValuesHeritage language education is not included in the national curriculum in England, and therefore formal learning and teaching of heritage languages are primarily achieved through complementary schools, which are part-time, community-led and linked to various ethnic and national ...
'Fundamental British Values' is understood here as a label, developed in the wake of the 'end of multiculturalism' rhetoric, and is promoted as a new form of discourse for schools. I explore the implications and risks of this vocabulary both for the classroom and for society at large by ...
We slight the question of 'value' as mainly 'interested commodities' and throw darkness rather than light on the now increasingly troubled question of 'British' identity. Our approach is not to define "Fundamental British Values" (FBV) (as we will show, that proved impossible) but to ...
Examining the representation of fundamental British values: What are the most prominent images used for display boards in the primary school? This aim of this study was to investigate primary schools' use of displays boards as visual representations of fundamental British values for teaching and .....
to have been in the past (Grief & Ulman, 1982; Ruble & Brooks-Gunn, 1982), a 44 Part I The Fundamental Changes of Adolescence change that may be attributable to the more open pres- entation of information about menstruation in schools and in the media in recent years (Merskin, 1999)...
So cash, talking and means of communication are banned from the school. That school now resembles a communist dictatorship even more than other schools do. The news story continues: Figures from the Department for Education show the number of permanent exclusions in England due to physical assault...
This article considers three conceptual difficulties involved in the directive for schools to actively promote Fundamental British Values to address this issue. First, the directive fails to refer to any relevant theories around the concept of belonging, one of the major strands of research in social...
Indeed, this is often why schools have to explicitly teach such skills of cognitive decontextualization. Donaldson (1978, 1993) views this as one of the primary tasks of schooling (see Anderson, Reder, & Simon, 1996). She argues that "what is involved in the mind's movement from 'seven ...