Determining exactly what ‘British values’ are is a problem with which successive governments have grappled. This article considers in detail the most recent attempt to explicate the meaning of the term through the 2014 fundamental British values (FBV) curriculum guidance for English schools. It ...
1) British values are just human values The world is full of counter-examples. Even when other countries have these values, we still need to teach children about how these have developed in our society and the reasons why. By all means compare and contrast but to pretend that there is a ...
Through our Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE) programme, spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is a mandatory teaching requirement in all schools in England. SMSC education is also the vehicle through which we teach Fundamental British Values (FBV). One ...
What is meant by fundamental British values? How are they constructed and can they be taught in schools? In trying to address these questions, this paper revisits a small-scale research study commissioned by the UK's previous New Labour government. The research was concerned to understand the ...
PSHE 2 HOURS - Diversity, Culture, Equality + Identity, covering British Values, community cohesion and more - a lesson investigating what we mean by our identities - from our nationalities and social identities and how we are all equal in Britain, to our cultural, gender and personal ...
In the promotion of values, language can have 'hidden effects' which may be perpetuated through unconsidered refrain in classrooms and in staffrooms. The Ofsted requirement upon schools to promote these values, suggests a need for a critical and sensitive understanding in order to be aware of, ...
This study offers insights into the lives of young people in the UK. It explores the hopes that they hold for themselves, the most pressing issues they see in the UK, and globally, and how they view their place in the world. Podcast series ...
aIn British state schools, rituals facilitate the transmission and internalization of the expressive order of the school, create consensus . . . deepen respect for and impersonalize authority relations. They also serve to prevent questioning of the values the expressive order transmits. (ibid, p. ...
Complementary schoolsheritage languageslanguage maintenancebilingualismArabicFundamental British ValuesHeritage language education is not included in the national curriculum in England, and therefore formal learning and teaching of heritage languages are primarily achieved through complementary schools, which are ...
There are famipal, repgious, and cultural values that are acquired long before medical school. For example, countries, cultures, and subcultures exist where bribes and dishonest behaviour are almost a norm. There are secondary schools in which neither staff nor students tolerate cheating and ...