Sh3rf2 is a protein coding gene. Previous studies showed that it is often expressed at high levels in tumor cells. Deletion mutation of Sh3rf2, which has lost one copy and is left with a single functional copy of the gene, has been detected in autistic patients. However, the role of ...
Frolkis VY (1973 a) Functions of cells and biosynthesis of protein in aging. Gerontology 19: 189–202Frolkis, V. V. (1973) Functions of cells and biosynthesis of protein in aging. Gerontologia 19, 189-202.Frolkis (V. V.), 1973. Function of Cells and biosynthesis of Protein in Aging...
et al. Regulated Ire1-dependent decay of messenger RNAs in mammalian cells. J. Cell Biol. 186, 323–331 (2009). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hollien, J. & Weissman, J. S. Decay of endoplasmic reticulum-localized mRNAs during the unfolded protein response. Science 313, 104...
In fact, the Sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost all cells, because photosynthetic prokaryotes, algae, and plant cells harness solar energy and use it to make the complex organic food molecules that other cells rely on for the energy required to sustain growth, metabolism, and ...
At the molecular level, biological function consists of a series of many chemical reactions of biological molecules. For understanding the molecular mechanisms of protein reactions, extensive and intensive efforts have been made in a variety of fields. In particular, it is well recognized that structu...
both cochlear hair cells and photoreceptors, inferring the existence of one or more Usher protein interactomes, with the scaffold proteins, harmonin, whirlin and SANS playing key roles as protein linkers (reviewed in: El-Amraoui and Petit, 2005, Reiners et al., 2006, Kremer et al., 2006)...
What are red blood cells made of? Red blood cells have a cell membrane and contain a special protein called hemoglobin that can bind to oxygen. Unlike most other cells, however, they do not contain a nucleus. Do red blood cells fight infection?
Protein phosphorylation participates in the regulation of all fundamental biological processes, and protein kinases have been intensively studied. However, while the focus was on catalytic activities, accumulating evidence suggests that non-catalytic properties of protein kinases are essential, and in some ...
Hence, the nucleus controls the characters and functions of cells in our body. The primary function of the nucleus is to monitor cellular activities including metabolism and growth by making use of DNA’s genetic information. Nucleoli in the nucleus are responsible for the synthesis of protein ...
The rapid evolution of viruses generates proteins that are essential for infectivity and replication but with unknown functions, due to extreme sequence divergence1. Here, using a database of 67,715 newly predicted protein structures from 4,463 eukaryoti