microbiotaleafrootarabidopsisoverlapfunctional 364|NATURE|VOL528|17dEcEmbER2015 ARTicLE doi:10.1038/natu e16192 FunctionaloverlapoftheArabidopsis leafandrootmicrobiota Yangba 1 *,dan elb.müller 2 *,G r shSr n vas 1 *,Ru enGarr o-Oter 1,3,4 *,EvaPotthoff 2 ,matth asRott 1 ,N nado rows...
of 400 representative strains was used to assess functional overlap between the soil, root and leaf microbiotas, and a gnotobioticArabidopsissystem was used to reconstitute bacterial communities resembling those found in natural environments. The data collectively demonstrate the possibility of reciprocal ...
Here, the promoter activity of all 17 Arabidopsis TET genes was investigated by pAtTET::NUCLEAR LOCALIZATION SIGNAL-GREEN FLUORESCENT PROTEIN/β-GLUCURONIDASE reporter lines throughout the life cycle, which predicted functional divergence in the paralogous genes per clade. However, partial overlap was ...
Birkenbihl RP, Jach G, Saedler H, Huijser P: Functional dissection of the plant-specific SBP-domain: overlap of the DNA-binding and nuclear localization domains. J Mol Biol. 2005, 352 (3): 585-596. 10.1016/j.jmb.2005.07.013. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Klein J, Saedler H,...
Evidence for partial functional overlap of KEA and MSL transport proteins in the chloroplast inner envelope of Arabidopsis thalianadoi:10.1002/1873-3468.14887Vlkner, CarstenHolzner, Lorenz J.Bünger, KatinkaSzulc, BeataLewis, Chance M.Klingl, Andreas...
To assess the expression of transporter homologs, we used a combination of RNAscope in situ hybridization probes and immunohistochemistry to stain paraffin-embedded sections of adult and larval zebrafish. Results: We found Abcg2a had the greatest substrate overlap with ABCG2, and Abcg2d appeared...
Locations of functional domains in the RecA protein. Overlap of domains and regulation of activities We review the locations of various functional domains of the RecA protein of Escherichia coli , including how they have been assigned, and discuss the pot... M Takahashi,F Maraboeuf,B Nordén -...
constitute a key component of the cell wall and recently a number of the genes thought to encode the enzymes required for its synthesis have been identified inArabidopsis. The acquisition of hemicellulose synthesis capability is hypothesised to have been an important step in the evolution of higher...
Thus, the overlap cannot be expected to be extensive in different studies based on different assumptions. Essential genes for several organisms can be found in the DEG [45] and OGEE [46] databases. Housekeeping and essential genes and proteins are related but not the same. The former refers ...
Birkenbihl RP, Jach G, Saedler H, Huijser P: Functional dissection of the plant-specific SBP-domain: overlap of the DNA-binding and nuclear localization domains. J Mol Biol. 2005, 352 (3): 585-596. 10.1016/j.jmb.2005.07.013. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Klein J, Saedler H,...