As a key oscillatory activity in the brain, thalamic spindle activities are long believed to support memory consolidation. However, their propagation characteristics and causal actions at systems level remain unclear. Using functional MRI (fMRI) and electrophysiology recordings in male rats, we found th...
Experimental Brain Research, 131(4): 393- 405.Previc FH, Liotti M, Blakemore C, Beer J, Fox P (2000): Functional imaging of brain areas involved in the processing of coherent and incoherent wide field-of-view visual motion. Exp Brain Res 131:393-405....
cortex, left SMA and left thalamus. Right dominant activations included frontal eye field, intraparietal region, and ventral frontal regions, frontal eye field, presupplementary motor area, basal forebrain and anterior cerebellum (i.e. Areas V/VI and VIII) as well as part of the vermis (Fig....
We first discuss the anatomical localization of these functional regions and putative homologies with areas of the macaque brain. Then, we consider possible explanations for the functional anatomical overlap of attention and eye movements. Anatomical Localization of Functional Regions for Attention and Eye...
[132], opening new and exciting areas of investigation for future therapies. Furthermore, in a mouse model of perinatal hypoxia (a condition commonly associated with ASD in humans), which exhibits significant myelination impairments, early environmental enrichment was also shown to selectively promote ...
Visual form and position perception in primates is thought to engage two different sets of cortical visual areas. However, the original concept of two functionally different and anatomically segregated pathways has been challenged by recent investigations. Using identical stimuli in the centre of the vi...
However, the dynamic nature of the brain activity in different eyes conditions is still unclear. In this study, we collected resting-state fMRI data from 21 healthy subjects in the EC and EO conditions. Using a sliding time window approach and a k-means clustering algorithm, we calculated the...
This review first provides an overview of various approaches of brain–computer interfacing and basic components in the BCI system and then discuss active functional areas of the brain being utilized in non-invasive brain–computer interfacing performed with hemodynamic signals and electrophysiological ...
Two reviewers (CZ and PK) rated three different areas of biases, which are scored on a scale of 10 points: (1) selection of groups, which includes criteria such as recruitment strategy, response rate, representativeness of sample, validation of measurement tool; (2) comparability of the ...
(primarily Pomacentridae and Blennidae). Grazing damselfishes defend small areas from conspecifics and all other herbivores [70] and are often referred to as farmers [22],[26]–[29],[45]. The farming of algal crops can be extensive or intensive. The intensive farming includes selective ...