Fiber dissection technique: lateral aspect of the brain. Neurosurgery . 2000; 47 (2):417–427. doi: 10.1097/00006123-200008000-00028. [ Cross Ref ]Türe U., Yasargil M. G., Friedmann A. H., Al-Mefty O. (2000). Fiber dissection technique: lateral aspect of the brain . Neurosurgery ...
11. The lateral aspect of the mountain is very steep.(山的侧面非常陡峭。) 12. A lateral pass can often catch the defense off - guard in basketball.(在篮球中,横向传球经常能让防守措手不及。) 13. The lateral gene transfer is amon phenomenon in some organisms.(侧向基因转移在一些生物中是一...
adj(anat) externo, lateral;lateral aspect of the leg..cara externa de la pierna English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this pag...
(1992)found that medial afferents only terminated in the contralateral LRt, mainly in the dorsomedial aspect of the rostral two-thirds of the magnocellular division. It was noticed byRajakumaret al.(1992)that these different results might be due to the use of different tracers and the possible...
theproblemfromtheotheraspect,thedirectionofthebreadth ofthinkinghasgreatlyincreased,likelyfromotherareasof theenlightenment,tosolvetheproblem,therefore,lateral thinkingoftenplaysahugeroleincreatingactivities. Brainisaninformationprocessor,butindealingwithproblems everyonehastheirdifferentattitudesandways,tosaythe differen...
16-2). In the cervical region, the PLL may ossify and contribute to spondylotic narrowing. The ligamentum flavum extends along the posterior aspect of the spinal canal. It buckles and folds during neck extension and may also contribute to canal narrowing. The static anatomy of the spine ...
1.There is heterotopia along the lateral posterior aspect of the body of the Llateral ventricle. 左侧侧 体部的后外侧灰质异位。 2.MRI showed a large inhomogeneously enhanced tumor in the atrium of the rightlateral ventriclewith extraventricular invasion of the adjacent brain parenchyma. ...
predict. With the use of outside information "to think of the ways to improve the way of thinking with the side of the eye ability analogy, called it" lateral thinking ". Due to the lateral thinking changed the general train of thought, to solve the problem from the other aspect, the ...
The lateral geniculate nucleus is located internal to an elevation on the caudoventral aspect of the diencephalon, the lateral geniculate body (Fig. 20.17). The human lateral geniculate nucleus consists of six cellular layers with thin sheets of myelinated fibers sandwiched between them. The ventral...
Lateral aspect (Figs 3.1and3.4A) Theprecentralgyrusribbons forward over the cerebral convexity, immediately anterior to thecentral sulcus. It corresponds to theprimary motor cortex(BA4) which contains an inverted, point-to-point orsomatotopic mapof the opposite half of the body (Greek: soma, body...