1. 函数式宏定义 函数式宏定义(Function-like Macro):就像函数调用一样,把两个实参分别替换到宏定义中形参a和b的位置#define MAX(a, b) … blog.chinaunix.net|基于27个网页 2. 类函数宏 在类函数宏(function-like macro)的替换部分中,“#”符号用作一个预处理运算符,它可以把语言符号(token)转化为字符...
解析错误:“error: too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation” 1. 确认错误信息的来源和上下文 这个错误信息通常出现在使用C或C++编程时,尤其是在处理宏(Macro)定义和调用时。它表明在调用一个函数式宏时提供了过多的参数。 2. 解释“function-like macro”是什么 ...
You can also define macros whose use looks like a function call. These are called function-like macros. To define a function-like macro, you use the same ‘#define’ directive, but you put a pair of parenthesesimmediatelyafter the macro name. SOURCE Note that when defining a function-like ...
Windows 关于报错:“In included file: too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocat”解决方法 遇到报错如下: 点进去minwindef.h里报错显示: 点进winnt.h报错显示: 解决方法: 在使用图一报错的头文件之前包含windows.h,即 #include <windows.h>...
This chapter expands on the #define capability to show how it can be used to implement function-like macros. The reader will learn how macro parameters and arguments work at the preprocessor level.doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-801314-4.00013-2Siegesmund...
//’…’指可变参数,被表示成零个或多个符号,包括里面的逗号.//当被调用时,在宏体(macro body)中,那些符号序列集合将代替里面的__VA_ARGS__标识符。#definedebug(format, ...) fprintf (stderr, format, __VA_ARGS__) 4)GCC始终支持复杂的宏,它使用一种不同的语法从而可以使你可以给可变参数一个名字...
The predefined function-like macro evaluates to 1 if attr is a supported attribute. It evaluates to 0 otherwise. Example usage:
Split function-like macro call between two source files Is there anything in the C Standard preventing me of doing the following? // main.c #define DECORATE(x) ***x*** #include "call_macro.h" this is the text I want decorated) // call_macro.h DECORATE( When running it though ...
2 Function name macro in C++ 0 c++ macro sideeffect 1 Do function calls as another functions parameters follow any defined behaviour? 1 Macro behavior in function 0 Function-like macros without body but different names of argument 2 What happens when you redefine a macro? 3...
Complex macro with arguments in C We can also define a macro with arguments, so that a macro may use at different places with different values. These values pass in the macro definition with the help of arguments. Arguments must be used each time of macro calling. ...