The C preprocessor is namedcppand usually can be invoked from command line. You can also define macros whose use looks like a function call. These are called function-like macros. To define a function-like macro, you use the same ‘#define’ directive, but you put a pair of parenthesesim...
参考1: 参考2:所附代码均经过实践检验。 1. 宏分类 首先,宏分为Object-like和Function-like两种。后面没有括号的一般是Object-like,最常见的就是 #defineVLAUE 100 当代码中出现VALUE时,预处理器preprocessor会直接替换成它定义的东西,即100。 Func...
Here, we will learn how to create a function like Macro that should use printf() in C language? By IncludeHelp Last updated : March 10, 2024 We can use printf() function in a Macro. In this example, we are creating a function like Macro that will print the result of a calcula...
Debugging and error reporting: Inline functions provide better error reports and easier debugging compared to macros in C++. Privacy: Macros are not reliable since they cannot access private data members and, therefore, are at risk of data breach. Q. What is the inline function and virtual funct...
macros -Wwrite-strings -Wc++-compat -Werror=declaration-after-statement -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=missing-prototypes -Werror=nested-externs -Werror=old-style-definition -Werror=strict-prototypes -fvisibility=hidden -Isrc/atomic/. -Isrc -o src/atomic/gcc_x86.o -c src/atomic...
1 Macro behavior in function 0 Function-like macros without body but different names of argument 2 What happens when you redefine a macro? 3 According to the C standard, may macros with arguments collide with identifiers? 1 Prevent Simple Macro Substitution 3 Can the paramete...
2. Use inline function over macros. 3. Prefer to use inline keyword outside the class with the function definition to hide implementation details. 何时使用 - 根据程序员的需要,可把函数变为内联函数。 下面是一些有用的建议 - 1.当需要性能时,使用内联函数。
#NUM error - The #NUM error shows up when you try to use invalid numeric values in formulas, like square root of a negative number. #N/A error - The #N/A error happens when a value is not available for a formula or found in a given cell range, for example in the VLOOKUP or MA...
Formula in cell D3: =IF(COUNTIF($B$23:$D$25,B3),C3+100,"") In other words, the COUNTIF function counts how many times a specific value is found in a cell range. If the value exists at least once in the cell range the IF function adds 100 to the value in C3. If FALSE ...
Macros to detect compilers, e.g.__IS_COMPILER_ARM_COMPILER_6__,__IS_COMPILER_LLVM__etc. Macro to create atomicity for specified code block, i.e.__IRQ_SAFE{...} Helper macros for C language extension: VB likewith() foreach(), dimof(),CONNECT() ...