CONSTITUTION:A raised part 2 is provided on a mounting piece 1 made flexible and strong, exerting a suitable pressure on the arch of the foot, helping to strengthen the function. By using this inner sole for a pair of shoes, the arches are adapted to the raised parts 2, and a weight ... OPEN received: 22 February 2016 accepted: 30 June 2016 Published: 28 July 2016 Form and function of the human and chimpanzee forefoot: implications for early hominin bipedalism Peter J. Fernández1,*, Nicholas B. Holowka2,*, Brigitte Demes1 & ...
The cranial border of the lung field is deep to the triceps, the dorsal border extends from the point of the shoulder to the last rib, and the caudoventral border arches from the point of the elbow to the last rib. The clinician can place a stethoscope well forward under t...
Metatarsal, any of several tubular bones between the ankle (tarsal) bones and each of the hindlimb digits, in land vertebrates corresponding to the metacarpal bones of the hand (forepaw). In humans the five metatarsal bones help form longitudinal arches
The flexor hallucis tendons and muscles bend the big toe down, and the longus muscle also helps the calf muscles to plantarflex the foot, and helps support the foot arches. Functionally, these big toe flexor tendons are really important as they produce the final thrust from the foot when wal...
The purified PorXFjand SeMet PorXFjwere concentrated to 10 and 12 mg mL−1, respectively. Crystallization trials were performed using the sitting-drop vapor-diffusion method at 293 K in 96-well Swissci-3 plates, with Stura Footprint (Molecular Dimensions), Wizard I and II (Rigaku), Struc...
Bordered pits are thus named because the secondary wall overarches the pit chamber and the aperture is generally smaller or differently shaped than the pit chamber, or both. The portion of the cell wall that is overarching the pit cham- ber is called the border (Figs. 3–6, 3–7A,D)....
(24-7) formed in the upper and lower arches the back foot ( 24) and, on the transfer support coupler (24-1) for rotating (23) the transfer support is inserted into the upper portion 24 and the right and left of each support 21 to rotate the right and left of each side support (...
An inner, median part slightly arches over the floral center as a nectar cover, while the two lateral parts are more upright and form a corona (Fig. 7E). This seems to be the common situation in the genus (Schulz 1931; Leinfellner 1954a). Rhizophoraceae appear as sister to Erythroxy...
CNCCs originate at the dorsal neural tube border and migrate into the pharyngeal arches and OFT, where they facilitate the remodeling of the vessels and form the smooth muscle cell lining of the arteries3. CNCCs populating the OFT cushions fuse at the OFT midline to create the aorticopulmonary...