Although the arches took millions of years to form, it takes only seconds to lose an arch forever. In 1991, Landscape Arch, the park’s largest arch, lost a slab of rock 60 feet long. The arch still stands, but it is now much more fragile. In 2008, the bridge of another famous ...
So, wearrived atthe theatre,gave inour tickets andsat down. We were struck by the size of it. The hall was huge. The stage was closed by this large red curtain, and the auditorium had these beautifulgolden archesright up in the galleries. Our seats...
high in air, sparkling with diamonds of clear exuded gum; vast old hemlocks of primeval growth stood darkling in their forest shadows, their branches hung with long hoary moss; while feathery larches, turned to brilliant gold by autumn frosts, lighted up the darker shadows of the evergreens....
The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers. Almond-shaped Scarlett Johansson and Kate Beckinsale maximize their almond-shaped eyes and oval faces with softly curved arches. Describing a Person’s Appearance in English | Images Author Recent Posts ESLBUZZ ESLBUZZ is ...
1. Why does the author think that park visitors are surprised by what they see? A.It took such a long time for the arches to form. B.For a desert, it has a lot of life and color. C.Some of the arches have collapsed. D.The park has modern conveniences. ...