Check out these 10 facts about the Tudors... The Tudor dynasty is one of the most famous and influential in British history. From the rise of Henry VII in 1485 to the death of Elizabeth I in 1603, they transformed England from an old fashioned state to a powerful nation. Famous for th...
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But maybe it’s a good thing that someone’s around to occasionally remind us what this great stuff ‘might have’ (that lazy historian’s stand-by when facts are short) sounded like in the flesh. We get loads of ZZ Top – a band about whom I know almost nothing, apart from the ...
Catherine of AragonMarried 1509, annulled 1533; mother of Mary Tudor Ann BoleynMarried 1533, beheaded 1536; mother of Elizabeth I Jane SeymourMarried 1536, died in childbirth 1537; mother of Edward VI Anne of ClevesMarried and divorced 1540 ...