Mary Tudor, born in 1516 to Henry VIII and the first of his six queens, was intimately familiar with the complex process of image making. Her survival within her father's court in the latter years of his reign depended on earning and keeping his notably capricious pleasure. During his life...
Queen of England 英语例句库 Westminster was refounded as a Benedictine monastery underMary Tudor. 威斯敏斯特寺院在都铎王朝玛丽女王代被重建为本笃会修道院。 声明:以上例句、词性分类均由互联网资源 成,部分未经过人工审核,其表达内容亦不代表本软件的观点;若发现问题,欢迎向我们指正。
Mary Tudor: the first queen of England In the history of the attempted restoration of Roman Catholicism in the England of Mary Tudor, the contribution of her husband Philip and his Spanish entourage has been largely ignored. This book highlights one of the most prominent of P... A Whitelock...
Mary Tudor as a child (c. 1525) Queen Catherine invited the celebrated Spanish humanist Juan Luis Vives to come to England and commissioned him to write a treatise on the general education of women, and an outline of studies for Mary. Her biographer, Ann Weikel, has pointed out: "Vives...
Mary Tudor, Queen of France, Duchess of Suffolk; Credit – Wikipedia Mary Tudor was born on March 18, 1496, atRichmond Palace, then in Surrey, England. She was the third daughter and the fifth of the seven children ofKing Henry VII of EnglandandElizabeth of York, the eldest child ofKing...
Mary Tudor- daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon who was Queen of England from 1553 to 1558; she was the wife of Philip II of Spain and when she restored Roman Catholicism to England many Protestants were burned at the stake as heretics (1516-1558) ...
King Henry VIII of England by Lucas Horenbout (c. 1526) Although Mary lacked the guile and steel so characteristic of the Tudor family, she did have a large amount of Tudor stubbornness. Worse, her essentially loving and artless nature prompted her to return soft answers to Henry's outburst...
In 1553 Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VIII, was crowned as the first Queen of England. Her reign would not be a happy one, and her famous religious...
She feeds well and she grows strong and though I don’t forget her pale golden-headed sister, I find I am comforted by this new baby in the cradle, this new Tudor for England. From Three Sisters, Three Queens My sister Mary is brought in to make her curtsey, and Katherine makes ...
Mary Ⅰ,即玛丽都铎,又称血腥玛丽。天主教徒,亨利八世和西班牙的凯瑟琳公主之女。Mary Guise,法国...