Why yes! Chocolate comes from a small tropical tree called Theobroma cacao. Read more Categories Chocolate University Tags cacao, chocolate information, where does chocolate come from 77 Comments How is chocolate made? From bean to bar… Just how is chocolate made? Willy Wonka? Magic? We’...
From chocolate consumption by country, gender, and even time of year, the amount of data to wade through can be overwhelming. So here are some of my favorite facts about chocolate; from its origins to its characteristics, and chocolate trivia that will entertain and inform. Interesting Chocolate...
Cacao beans had a set value. A single bean could buy a tamale, a small meal. Ten beans could get you a rabbit. The Mayans even paid taxes with cacao beans. This system worked because cacao trees thrived in the region. The beans were always in supply but still valuable enough to funct...
how French pharmacies used chocolate how closely Cacao and Coca are related what chocolate mousse and mayonnaise have in common Or, maybe you haven’t thought about any of these things. Regardless,201 Fun Chocolate Factscontains all the information about chocolate you’ve ever wanted to know, and...
Fun and Interesting Facts about Ecuador Chocolate Ecuador is a major source of cacao. About 70% of the world’s cacao used for chocolate products comes from Ecuador each year. Ecuador is also know for their own chocolate products, with many varieties and flavors available to sample. Ecuador ev...
21. Mexican food is all about its native delights Foodstuffs like avocado, tomato, cacao, chili peppers, bell peppers, beans, zucchini, and guava can all be found growing freely throughout the country. No wonder Mexican food is just so damn tasty. The best part is you can make it all ...
Some fun facts about our zoo. It is centrally located in the heart of N.C. and is the world’s largest natural habitat zoo and one of only two state-supported zoos in the US. It contains 2,600 wooded acres, with 500 of those developed. It has over 1800 animals from more then 250...
Visitors to Monticello can sample hot chocolate made the way Thomas Jefferson preferred it. Using stone roasted cacao, sugar and spices. Check out our easy hot chocolate recipe. Hot Chocolate Fun Facts We Missed Feel free to let us know about the hot chocolate fun facts we missed. If we ca...
Cacao trees bear fruit that are about the same size and shape of a football, according to the World Atlas of Chocolate. These lumpy berries, or pods, are full of up to 50 sour seeds, or beans, covered in white pulp. The pods are harvested by hand and cut open to remove the cocoa ...
News and Fun FactsThe weather is taking on a chill as it does in California once the Halloween costumes are put away. To brace myself against the morning chill, oatmeal and maple syrup are top of mind. So I have some interesting tidbits about those in this newsletter. Classes have a Tha...