full practice authoritynurse practitionerpractice ownershipsurveyAlthough there is a substantial body of evidence regarding full practice authority's (FPA) effects on health care access and quality, very little research has examined how nurse practitioner (NP) licensure laws affect the status of NPs as...
We find that full practice authority leads to a clear increase in reported CNM/CM-attended deliveries without a noticeable impact on obstetric outcomes (cesarean, induction, adverse neonatal events) or mortality (maternal or neonatal). After the passage of full practice authority, CNM/CM-attended ...
licensure or registration (‘endorsement’); and who require candidates to have completed an accredited Master’s or Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, with
(P0.01).Teachers thought that clinical practice was conducive to their personal development,to the development of nursing profession and to increased pay.However,teachers found themselves trapped in such problems as role conflict,time conflict,the heavy workload,lack of proper incentive mechanism....
Physician dual practice, a combination of public and private practice, has attracted attention due to fear of reduced work supply and a lack of key personnel in the public system, increase in low priority treatments, and conflicts of interest for physicians who may be competing for their own pa...
To build health systems resilience in CAC through nursing and midwifery, a strategic and systematic approach to nursing and midwifery workforces that addresses the education, practice, regulation, leadership, and working conditions of nurses and midwives in a cohesive manner is required; however, resea...
A convenience sample was collected in 2022 to be used for the test–retest reliability. Individuals from senior citizen organizations, stroke inpatients and outpatients as well as individuals in nursing homes who were above the age of 70 years and lived in the urban municipality of Luleå in th...
CAM was chosen in this study due its simplicity and high sensitivities. Moreover, 4AT is not the most commonly used in clinical practice in the region. For this reason, it is necessary to consider other factors that are difficult to measure but contribute to individuals undergoing hospitalization...
However, the decision-making process is very complex in every clinical environment because nurses cannot implement CM without the approval of a physician, who has the final authority regarding whether the evaluation of the patient’s behaviour justifies the use of CM. Within the setting of clinical...
However, the assessment of nursing students’ skills and competence using assessment instruments is known to be complex and affected by several varied factors [29]. The assessment instrument, Assessment of Clinical Education (ACIEd), that is used in this study context, is used in a summative ...