full practice authoritynurse practitionerpractice ownershipsurveyAlthough there is a substantial body of evidence regarding full practice authority's (FPA) effects on health care access and quality, very little research has examined how nurse practitioner (NP) licensure laws affect the status of NPs as...
A California bill that would give full practice authority to nurse practitioners (NPs), including psychiatric specialists, to work to the full extent of their training and education has been introduced to address a shortage of health care providers, especially in rural and underserved areas. To ...
The American health care market simultaneously faces two precarious trends: rising costs and a growing shortage of primary care providers. An aging population adoi:10.2139/ssrn.2644455Bailey, John PatrickJaep, KyleSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
With full practice authority, nurse practitioners in New York will now be able to evaluate, test, diagnose, manage treatment, and prescribe medications for patients without having to sign a contract agreement with a supervising physician. According to theNew York State Nurses’ ...
practice safely and effectively, particularly in states with full practice authority [53]. However, a recent qualitative study of primary care NPs found these less experienced NP candidates were equally competent by the end of their NP course as Registered Nurses with more clinical experience prior ...
Ethical approval for the convenience sample was obtained from the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (2021–05968-01). Consent for publication Not applicable. Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.Additional information Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to...
Looking for more Civil Service numerical test practice? You may also be invited to take theCivil Service Judgement test. Let’s find out more below! Civil Service Judgement Test What is the Civil Service judgement test? TheCivil Service judgement testis asituational judgement testused to assess ...
Abstract Background In recent years, biological event extraction has emerged as a key natural language processing task, aiming to address the information overload problem in accessing the molecular biology literature. The BioNLP shared task competitions have contributed to this recent interest considerably...
safer ways of treatment. Tools like specialized software might help in every day clinical practice to specifically monitor dosing, length of therapy, and risk factors of inappropriate drug treatment in older adults. Although this study did not aim to assess appropriateness of BZD use, the results ...
It would also give me as President new emergency authority to temporarily shut down the border when the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming. The Border Patrol Union endorsed the bill. The Chamber of Commerce endorsed the bill. ...