oligoform / fullPage.js omeryildiz / fullPage.js onnayokheng / fullPage.js oo7ph / fullPage.js openroc / fullPage.js openube / fullPage.js oraclebox / fullPage.js orazionelson / fullPage.js orrisb / fullPage.js oscarmorrison / fullPage.js ottomanh / fullPage.js ...
Following a 96-hour incubation period at 37 °C, the migration of cells towards the wound site was captured using light microscopy, and the migration area was quantified using Image J software. (2) For tumor invasion assay, MCF-7 cells were cultured to form spheres in hanging drops of ...
2g). Similarly, full-length coverage with Smart-seq3xpress resulted in significantly (2–5-fold) increased read support over exon–exon and exon–intron splice junctions, which form the basis for RNA velocity inference16 (Fig. 2h). To perform a direct comparison of cluster granularity, we ...
GO and KEGG enrichment analysis were also performed [35], and the results were presented in the form of bubble charts. Molecular docking Molecular docking can be used to evaluate the tightness of binding between the active ingredient and the core target. Molecular docking was performed after ...
3F’) MSC-sEVs to measure total branching length as an indication of the ability of HUVECs to form tubes. MSC-sEVs enhanced tube formation compared to control cells, and sEVs at the highest concentration (120 µg p < 0.001) showed the greatest total branching length as early as ...
Notably, circulating levels of FFAs, including palmitate, are greatly elevated in T2D, and can drive EC dysfunction [15, 19]. Recently, lipid droplets were shown to dynamically form and disassemble in ECs following exposure to FFAs [40]. We transfected HUVEC with control or miR-30e mimic and...
High molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs), encoded by the genes at Glu-1 loci in wheat and its related species, are significant in the determination of grain processing quality. However, the diversity and variations of HMW-GSs are relatively low in bread wheat. More interests are now...
1). In their simplest form, deletions and inversions were found to be the most common SV types, while consistent with other PCa studies, we observed a low frequency of insertion events (Additional file 1: Fig. S2). Only 15 tumours (8.3%) presented with at least one insertion, which may...
Next, to validate whether the downregulated YAP1 rewires stromal cells for enhanced production of stimulatory growth factors such as GROα to form a premetastatic niche in vivo, stromal-specific Yap1 conditional knockout (cKO) mice bearing two loxP sites flanking the exons of the Yap1 gene were...
be invariant to the order in which the nodes are arranged, so that it can be used to characterize the molecular features of the graph regardless of how the graph is represented. Finally, they arrange the descriptors of each subgraph in sequence, to form the persistent graph curvature ...