Table 1. Projected Number of Individuals Globally With Systolic Blood Pressure of at Least 110 to 115 mm Hg and of 140 mm Hg or Higher, Deaths, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years, 1990-2015a View LargeDownload Table 2. Projected Number of Global Deaths and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years Rela...
About 35 years after its first suggestion, QM/MM became the standard theoretical approach to investigate enzymatic structures and processes. The success is due to the ability of QM/MM to provide an accurate atomistic picture of enzymes and related proces
However, because of much larger numbers of HG-U133Plus2 experiments in GEO, this array was selected as the primary input platform for the pipeline. The mapping is utilised as a binary file when the pipeline is executed. Obviously the mappings can be re-calculated, with new releases of the...
BACKGROUND: The long-term benefit of achieving the Japanese Society of Hypertension home systolic blood pressure (SBP) target of <125 mm?Hg has not been fully evaluated. This study investigated the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease events in individuals with home SBP <125 versus 125 to ...
The domain has expired and cannot be accessed. It can be restored after renewal. 为避免域名被删除或被他人注册,请联系您的域名服务商尽快完成续费: 1. 若您是西部数码会员,请登西部数码官网,进入:管理中心->域名管理->已经到期,找到该域名,完成域名续费; ...
Nam K, Gao J, York DM (2005) An efficient linear-scaling Ewald method for long-range electrostatic interactions in combined QM/MM calculations. J Chem Theory Comput 1(1):2–13 Article CAS Google Scholar Riccardi D, Schaefer P, Cui Q (2005) pK a calculations in solution and proteins ...
Methodologically, MMDiff belongs to the family of Kernel based methods; these have a long history in bioinformatics, and have had a considerable influence in the analysis of high throughput sequencing data. An approach which is related to ours has been recently proposed for the purpose of alternat...
Ils fournissent la force et la longévité, les rendant appropriés pour soutenir des charges lourdes dedansBâtiments, ponts et infrastructures.Industrie automobile: Dans le secteur automobile, les tôles laminées à chaud sont utilisées pour fabriquer des panneaux de carrosserie, des ...
Fluid stability in large scale ORCs using siloxanes-long-term experiences and fluid recycling. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on ORC Power Systems, ASME-ORC 2015, Brussels, Belgium, 12–14 October 2015. 16. Colonna, P.; Nannan, N.; Guardone, A.; Lemmon, E. Multiparameter...
proposed a memory fusion network, a convolutional long short-term memory network with different attention (Conv-LSTM), and a fully connected LSTM (FC-LSTM) fusion proposed Spatial-Temporal Dual Attention Network (STDAN) to address the problem of human action recognition [29]. Du, P.F. ...