此次Full GC时间花费2.96秒,在用户态(user)占用CPU百分比2.87,系统态(sys)占用百分比0.08。 l 分析: 数据很清晰了,持久代的GC是导致Full GC的原因,这和我们之前看到的类信息的加载之后又卸载之后又加载的现象是相符的。持久代空间不够,引起GC,GC回收类的信息,但是由于回收的类信息 JVM之后还需要,因此JVM又去加载...
Fat mainly accumulates in the form of triacylglycerol and partly accumulates as glycerol and fatty acids [27]. From the initial stage of seed development to the transitional stage, the main form of fat is fatty acids; in the final stage of development, the main form of fat is triacylglycerol...
Parents of study participants signed an Informed consent form. For scRNA-seq, TMJC tissue was isolated by surgical excision. The entire mandible, including the mandibular body and TMJ (condyle, joint capsule, joint disc, part of fibrous ligament and temporo-articular fossa), was isolated along ...
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is a technique frequently used in targeted and non-targeted measurements of metabolites. Most existing software tools for processing of raw instrument GC-MS data tightly integrate data processing methods with
As part of a successful effort to eliminate malaria by 2020, China implemented an adapted form of RACD called the “1–3–7” strategy [14, 15]. This model sets out timelines for each step of the RACD response: cases must be reported within one day, investigated within three days, ...
3c). Taking the negatively charged wall of the microchannel as an example, when the liquid contacts the negatively charged wall of the microchannel, the cations in the liquid gather on the wall of the microchannel to form a thin electric double layer (EDL) (0.1 nm-10 nm). Under the ...
Traditionally, enhancers can be combined with transcription factors, which in turn interact with mediator complexes or other transcription co-activators to promote the recruitment of RNA Pol II and chromatin-modifying enzymes to the promoter region and form chromatin loop (enhancer-promoter loop) to fo...
Based on this, developers propose an SOA architecture based on Microservices with the starting point of architecture optimization1,2,3,4,5,6; Its core concept is to decompose complex application systems into multiple services in the form of independent business units, each of which can adopt ...
Microbiome alterations have been associated with depression, and fecal transfer of depressed patients’ microbiomes is sufficient to enhance despair behaviors in rodents. Yet little is known about the potential mechanisms, whereby microbes modulate depre
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