The primary form of treatment for TNBC patients is conventional cytotoxic systemic chemotherapy. Primarily, they are susceptible to conventional chemotherapy but the initial susceptibility to this treatment does not correlate with overall survival in TNBC patients who have acquired complete remission. Among...
Controlling the ratio of reducing agent to precursor is an important method for changing the size of nanoparticles. It can be explained by the LaMer mechanism: the reducing agent reduces the precursor to form monomer, and cont...
To improve the quality of subsequent analysis, 668 non-redundant jumbo phages with high-quality (completeness > 90%, 378 in total) and complete (290 in total) genomes were selected to form a high-quality gut jumbo phages set of animals. The 668 jumbo phage genomes were distributed in ...
Streptocarpus) are non-model plants studied for their highly variable vegetative form [9, 10], which is due to shifting meristem activities [11,12,13]. The first Streptocarpus genome, of S. rexii, a species with a 1C genome size of ca....
(Supplementary Fig.1A). During the experiment, the water temperature was maintained at 26 ± 2 °C. At weeks 1 and 3, 18 fish were randomly selected from each dietary group to form six biological replicates, with each replicate consisting of a mixture of three fish to ensure sufficient...
DCFH-DA is a non-fluorescent dye in its reduced form, which is converted into a fluorescent form upon oxidation by H2O2, hydroxyl radicals, or other by-products of H2O2 (Sakamoto et al. 2008). Consistent with the NBT staining results, the longitudinal sections of 'NMC' seeds exhibited ...
For each grape growing region diversity and frequencies of CPs multilocus genotypes based on tuf, secY, vmp1, and stamp genes are presented according to the data listed in the Table 1 in a form of pie chart sections. Map is generated by using the template map from
P4 kept in vegetatively growing and thus was unable to form fronds that is characteristic of stripe-like pinnae/pinnules and sporangia. P1 was employed to produce T1 plants for phenotype validation because the two involved alleles were both null. After a two-month aseptic culture in liquid ...
Soil salinity is one of the primary environmental stresses faced in rice production. When plants are exposed to salt stress, a series of cellular balances will be disrupted. Dufulin is an immune-induced antiviral agent used in plants. The DUF gene family
For the statistical analysis of the trials, two linear mixed models were used to take account of the diversity of the experimental design. The general form of the base models was: y=Xb+Zu+e whereyis the vector of phenotypes,bis the vector of fixed effects, andXis the associated design ...