X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies were conducted on PQDs and CTAB-PQDs:Cu to elucidate the ligands' binding mode and the chemical states of different elements. Fig. 3a illustrates the XPS full-spectrum analysis of PQDs and CTAB-PQDs:Cu. The characteristic signal peaks of Cs, ...
- CTfile refers to six file formats that are used to store chemical information in a table style. All CTfile formats shares a common structure called CTAB (Connection Table), which describes the structural relationships and properties of a collection of atoms. Below...
This is a form of a heterostructure which typically contains two or more nanometer scaled materials in onion type hybrid structure that has been produced in an inhibited manner (Chang et al., 2016). The specific chemical and physical characteristics of hybrid structures have made them the most ...
We entirely attribute the very different chemical properties of CTAB–I, as described later in this manuscript, to this emergent crystal polymorph. Though the indexing was done for the 40% CTAB–I mixture, the powder patterns for other CTAB–I mixtures (8% to 32%) matched the 40%, as ...
2024, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering Citation Excerpt : In this instance, hydrophobic contact allows the hydrophobic tail of the additional CTAB to progressively ingratiate into the CTAB single layer on the surface of GNPs to form a bilayer arrangement of CTAB, resembling a lipid bilaye...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Monolithic catalyst preparation The MnOx/La-Al2O3 catalyst was prepared by incipient wetness impregnation method. First, Mn(NO3)2 (50 wt%, liquid) and CTAB (cetyl trimethyl...