1.Introduction 这篇论文的主要工作是两个方面的。第一,作者提出了一个用于视线估计的全脸CNN结构,以全脸图像作为输入,定量比较了现有的只用眼睛和多区域的方法进行比较,并且在MPIIGaze数据集上的视线估计提高到4.8°。第二,提出了空间...
为检验这种方法的准确率,作者分别在MPIIGaze和EYEDIAP数据集上进行了2D、3D视线检测的与其他方法的对比。对比的方法有:只考虑单眼图片的方法(Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks),上篇博客总结的方法(Appearancebased gaze estimation in the wild),iTracker,只考虑双眼部分的iTracker,修改为AlexNet的ITracker。
While appearance-based gaze estimation methods have traditionally exploited information encoded solely from the eyes, recent results from a multi-region method indicated that using the full face image can benefit performance. Pushing this idea further, we propose an appearance-based method that, in con...
2005; O’Brien,2007): if theithregressor is statistically significant even if it has considerable multicollinearity, it is statistically significant in the face of that collinearity. However, if theith regressor has a
These systems can extract various kinds of behavioral cues and social signals, such as physical appearance, gesture and posture, gaze and face, vocal behavior, and use of space and environment (Zhou et al. 2012). Analyzing this information can enable the visually representation of social features...
Can be divided according to morphology into skein-like inclusions (SLIs) which have a filamentous profile, and more compact spherical bodies (with a rounded appearance). The compact spherical bodies have also been termed "Lewy-body like" inclusions due to the similarity in their appearance to Lew...
t forgotten or ignored her. It was also (conveniently) late enough that when she replied I could ignore her response, which came through about twenty minutes later. I made sure not to go back on Facebook for the rest of the night to keep up the appearance that I had just fallen ...
One of them was old, and so deeply pitted with smallpox that she looked for all the world as if she had received a charge of shot full in the face. The other, of sickly appearance, had a pretty but wasted countenance, and a narrow, consumptive chest, sapped by that devouring faith ...
Learning Residual Images for Face Attribute Manipulation Wei Shen, Rujie Liu Seeing What Is Not There: Learning Context to Determine Where Objects Are Missing Jin Sun, David W. Jacobs Deep Learning on Lie Groups for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition ...
Full reference image quality assessment based on visual salience with color appearance and gradient similarity. IEEE Access 2020, 8, 97310–97320. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Varga, D. Full-Reference Image Quality Assessment Based on Grünwald–Letnikov Derivative, Image Gradients, and Visual ...