Gaze estimation methods can be model-based or appearance-based [12]. Model-based methods use a geometric eye model and can be further divided intocorneal[1]reflection and shape-based methods, depending on whether they require external light sources to detect eye features. Early works on corneal ...
(2002). Appearance-based Eye Gaze Estimation. In: IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, pp 191—-Tan K H, Kriegman D J, Ahuja N: Appearance-based eye gaze estimation, Applica- tions of Computer Vision, 2002.(WACV 2002). Proceedings. Sixth IEEE Workshop on. IEEE, 2002: ...
We present a method for estimating eye gaze direction, which represents a departure from conventional eye gaze estimation methods, the majority of which are based on tracking specific optical phenomena like corneal reflection and the Purkinje images. We employ an appearance manifold model, but instead...
Eye gaze estimation has been increasingly demanded by recent intelligent systems to accomplish a range of interaction-related tasks, by using simple eye images as input. However, learning the highly...doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01264-9_7Yihua ChengFeng LuXucong ZhangSpringer, Cham...
Meth-ods for unconstrained gaze estimation have to handle signif i cantlydifferent 3D geometries between user, environment, and camera.To study the importance of such geometry information, we ground-truth annotated 37,667 images with six facial landmarks (eye andmouth corners) and pupil centres....
Since the data pre-processing and post-processing methods are crucial for gaze estimation, we also survey face/eye detection method, data rectification method, 2D/3D gaze conversion method, and gaze origin conversion method. To fairly compare the performance of various gaze estimation approaches, we...
State-of-the-art appearance-based gaze estimation methods, usually based on deep learning techniques, mainly rely on static features. However, temporal trace of eye gaze contains useful information for estimating a given gaze point. For example, approaches leveraging sequential eye gaze information whe...
Yafei WangXianping FuSpringer, SingaporeInternational Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and ServiceZhao T, Wang Y, Fu X. Refining Eye Synthetic Images via Coarse- to-Fine Adversarial Networks for Appearance-Based Gaze Estima- tion[C]//International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing ...
To facilitate cross-dataset evaluations, 37,667 images were manually annotated with eye corners, mouth corners, and pupil centres. Second, we present an extensive evaluation of state-of-the-art gaze estimation methods on three current datasets, including MPIIGaze. We study key challenges including ...