|| 11. Daniel & Albert - Fortune [Emergent Cities] || 12. Orjan Nilsen - Jeger [In My Opinion] Never miss an episode! Subscribe to the Full Spectrum podcast, find the latest releases at https://ffaze.com Your browser does not support the audio element. trance, progressive trance, ...
途中大概5次1 miss,一次1bad 0 miss,真的刷到要吐了,尤其是前面123454321根本就是看运气连过去的。 虽然是史上第一个全连,不过Good确实蛮多的,实在太丢人了哈哈。 但是既然也全连了,也不可能AP,那管它多少good啦~ 另外。。。那个。。。明年愚人节别再搞Spasmodic了,她已经被抛弃两次了,你们忍心吗? [doge...
Miss Fortune has been and will probably continue to be a strong pick from multiple perspectives. Her kit allows her to be played both AP and AD, but we are going to focus on the typical AD-marksman build because that's how she will do best in Wild Rift (for now). Once they w...
【Phigros】TECHNOPOLIS 2085 ap-1 02:31 【Phigros制霸系列】Aleph-0 ALL PERFECT!!! 02:40 【Phigros制霸系列】Another Me ALL PERFECT!!! 02:32 【Phigros制霸系列】Another Me ALL PERFECT!!! 02:55 【Phigros制霸系列】Another Round ALL PERFECT!!! 02:42 【Phigros制霸系列】Antithese ALL ...
Miss Fortune Armor: 28 + 4.2 >25 + 4.0 Armor by level: 28-99 >25-93 Rell Base health: 640 >620 Armor growth: 4.3 >4.0 Skarner Armor Per Level: 4.8 >4.5 E Stun Duration: 1.5s >1.1s Teemo E On Hit Damage: 14 - 66 >9 - 65 ...
Jason Apperson ... lighting technician (uncredited) Audie Aragon ... grip (uncredited) Michael Arisohn ... electrician: New York (uncredited) Dana Arnold ... rigging electrician (uncredited) Carlos Baker ... electrician (uncredited) Greg Baldi ... camera operator: second unit (uncredit...
Seth Helpap ... compositor: Entity FX / rotoscope artist: Entity FX / 2d artist: Entity FX / 2d artist: entity fx / visual effects artist: Entity FX (77 episodes, 2010-2016) Dan Rucinski ... visual effects executive producer: Entity FX / visual effects executive producer (63 episodes...
Here, we provide an additional support for the crucial role APOB may play in predicting lipid traits. Performance for identifying “ground truth” genes To compare the ability of different approaches to identify the causal gene that mediates the association between GWAS loci and the traits, we ...
to make a personal ap to make a pig of ones to make enemies talk to make necessary mod to make progress whil to make the right to make this film to make today delicio to many areas to me you are perfect to measure the hot in to meet international to meet the demands to meet user...
Diana Apcar Diana Rose Diana Sakalauskaité DIANA’S WEDDING Dianas bryllup Diane Brooks Webster Diane Franklin Diane Kruger Diane Shorthouse Diane Spencer Dianne Wiest Diarmaid Murtagh DICK DYNAMITE: 1944 Dick Pope Die film Digital Art Digital Cinema Dilan Jay DIMENSION SL...