Miss Fortune has been and will probably continue to be a strong pick from multiple perspectives. Her kit allows her to be played both AP and AD, but we are going to focus on the typical AD-marksman build because that's how she will do best in Wild Rift (for now). Once they w...
a:"I don't knon what stroke of good fortune allows me to make you mine. All it took was one kiss. The wheels of fate turned and brought me to a perfece moment of tenderness and happiness. From now on every moment every second I have I will spend beside you. To make you happy ...
During his life he spent a substantial amount of his fortune on sleek, power-packed racing boats and in November of 1953 Gar Wood, the ‘Gray Fox of Algonac,’ (so-named due to his white hair and the Michigan town where his racing boats were constructed) was named one of the immortals...