可以说,X系统中对焦速度的镜头到镜头的可变性比其他大多数都要明显。不同的镜头设计(在所有系统上)以不同的速度聚焦,但在Fujifilm系统上,最快和最慢之间的差距在大多数其他系统上更明显。 也就是说,X-Pro2通常可以非常快速地进行单次自动对焦采集,而且对于某些镜头非常快(特别是普通的变焦和'LM'镜头)。该系统...
Gathering Raindrops– Layton, UT – Fujifilm X-T30 – Eterna I have always included a typical exposure compensation inmy different film simulation recipes, but I didn’t do that this time because you get different results with different exposures. You can select -1 exposure compensation and yo...
The new Film Simulation mode has been designed to simulate color negative film that was traditionally chosen for snapshots of everyday scenes. The colors, precisely controlled for each level of brightness, create a rich chromatic contrast to add extra definition. The new “CLASSIC Neg.” takes yo...
Fujifilm X-H1 Fujifilm X-T2 Fujifilm X-H2S Fujifilm XF 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 OIS WR Fujifilm XF 50-140mm F2.8 +2 more Reply Reply with quote Reply to thread Complain graystubble • Forum Member • Posts: 87 Re: Favourite fuji film simulation poll Septermber 2024 In reply to ma...
My Fujifilm X100F Velvia Film Simulation Recipefujixweekly.com/2017/10/01/my-fujifilm-x100f-velvia-film-simulation-recipe/ 原作者Original Author:Ritchie Roesch 翻译Translator:撕拉普拉 大家好,我是撕拉普拉。大约一年前我买了第一台富士相机X-T30,觉得关于富士色彩以及机内预设的胶片模拟非常好玩。半年前我...
“Activity” functions allow you to look into your photographic activities in a new way. Once the activity record is enabled, information such as the cameras/lenses you have used, the number of images shot, hours of movies recorded, and the types of Film Simulation mode used will be ...
My Fujifilm X-T30 Expired Eterna Film Simulation Recipefujixweekly.com/2019/06/06/my-fujifilm-x-t30-expired-eterna-film-simulation-recipe/ 原作者Original Author:Ritchie Roesch 翻译Translator:江星辰 大家好,我是江星辰。这些日子看到撕拉普拉做的一些工作和原作者的网站,确实给我带来不少的帮助。高中目前...
I have created many wonderful film simulation recipes for X-Trans III cameras, but none of those can be used on my Fujifilm XF10. I had to create brand-new film simulation recipes for this camera. I used my experience with other Fujifilm cameras to creat
“But this is a digital camera, not film”. True, but this feels like the best of both. I now have the flexibility of being able to change my film simulation effortlessly between shots (compared to after every roll on film), all the while still having to commit to the simulation I sh...
Fujifilm Manager: “We Investigate the Next Film Simulation” –read here Fujifilm Rethink RAW :: JPEG is Your Friend and Fuji’s Film Simulations Rock –read here Fuji Vs. Fuji :: The Film Simulation (R)-Evolution :: All FS Improved :: See Co...