富士相机配置了他们称之为的“胶片模拟”而不是传统的JPEG设置,其被设计用来模仿不同胶片的效果。其中的一个胶片模拟叫做Velvia,以富士最流行的彩色透明胶片命名。 这些年间,我使用过很多次Velvia胶卷。Vlevia 50是我拍摄彩色风景照时最喜欢的胶片之一。起初,它只是被叫做Velvia没有“50”,这个与ISO值50有关;然而,...
JPEG Fujifilm的'Film Simulation'色彩模式是我们的最爱。使用默认的Provia / Standard模式拍摄测试场景。皮肤色调相当有力,就像尼康的一个更有活力的版本。它们与我们在最近的Sonys中看到的大致相似,并且在佳能备受推崇的色彩再现中没有看到任何泥土/黄色调(通过检查我们场景中的各种肤色可以证实)。 在场景周围冒险,你...
Fujifilm GFX100S II & 80mm f/1.7 –Kodachrome 64 With that information, I made a decision regarding Film Simulation Recipes in theFuji X Weekly App. I added the GFX100 II and GFX100S II as compatible cameras to allX-Trans V Recipes, as well asX-Trans IV Recipes(excluding those for th...
Fujifilm considers Reala Ace an “all-around” film simulation, promising slightly muted colors, harder-than-average highlight tones, and softer shadows compared to the Provia (Standard) film simulation. “There was a time when conventional wisdom suggested negative film was only for recording memori...
Film Simulation are not only for JPEG shooters, but can be extremely useful also for hardcore RAW shooters. Why? Let’s make an example. When I photographed the wedding of my best friend, I obviously shot everything in RAW (+JPEG). I came home with tons of images and narrowed ...
Fujifilm JPEG Settings: Street Fujifilm JPEG设置:街拍1、Film Simulation: Classic Chrome 胶片模拟:经典Chrome2、Grain: Off 颗粒:关闭3、Highlights: -1 高光:-14、Shadows: +2 阴影:+25、Colour: -1 颜色:-16、Sharpness: +1 锐度:+17、Noise Reduction: 0 降噪:0 这个的色彩效果和彩色FX蓝色设置没...
Re: Film Simulation Webinar for New Fujifilm Photographers In reply tomasticina•9 months ago 2 Have you seen this one? It seems really good to me. -- hide signature -- Try www.the-photo.org for a community-run creative photography resource ...
Film simulationCLASSIC CHROME Lens Modulation OptimizerON CameraFUJIFILM X-T3 View larger image (JPEG: 3,616KB) Shooting ModeManual Image Size3000 x 2000 SensitivityISO 800 Dynamic Range100% ApertureF4.0 Shutter Speed1/4000 Lens Focal Length35.8mm ...
These film simulation recipes are compatible with Fujifilm GFX medium format cameras, which includes the GFX-50S, GFX-50R, and I believe the GFX100 (note: I haven't been able to verify compatibility with the GFX100). Check out the Fuji X Weekly App for i
在默认设定下,胶片模拟被指定给选择器的左方向按钮(功能按钮 3)。有关选择指定给功能按钮的功能的信息,请参阅“功能按钮”。 您也可从拍摄菜单选择胶片模拟。PROVIA/标准 标准色彩再现。适用于从肖像到风景的多种拍摄对象。 VELVIA/鲜艳 色彩饱和、对比度高的色调,适用于拍摄自然风景。 ASTIA/柔和 色彩饱和度低且...