富士相机配置了他们称之为的“胶片模拟”而不是传统的JPEG设置,其被设计用来模仿不同胶片的效果。其中的一个胶片模拟叫做Velvia,以富士最流行的彩色透明胶片命名。 这些年间,我使用过很多次Velvia胶卷。Vlevia 50是我拍摄彩色风景照时最喜欢的胶片之一。起初,它只是被叫做Velvia没有“50”,这个与ISO值50有关;然而,...
JPEG Fujifilm的'Film Simulation'色彩模式是我们的最爱。使用默认的Provia / Standard模式拍摄测试场景。皮肤色调相当有力,就像尼康的一个更有活力的版本。它们与我们在最近的Sonys中看到的大致相似,并且在佳能备受推崇的色彩再现中没有看到任何泥土/黄色调(通过检查我们场景中的各种肤色可以证实)。 在场景周围冒险,你...
Fujifilm considers Reala Ace an “all-around” film simulation, promising slightly muted colors, harder-than-average highlight tones, and softer shadows compared to the Provia (Standard) film simulation. “There was a time when conventional wisdom suggested negative film was only for recording memori...
由于这个胶片模拟配方需要使用清晰度设置,所以它会影响你相机拍照的速度(将信息记录在存储卡时往往需要一些时间)。富士官方建议,如果你用RAW+JPEG格式进行拍照,最好是之后在机内或X RAW Studio重新处理RAW格式照片时再设置清晰度。这个配方是兼容富士X-100V,X-Pro3和X-T4。 Cine Teal Eterna 动态范围:DR200 高光...
And it really does have a film look! You’d be hard pressed to tell apart an image shot on real black-and-white film and one shot using the Acros Film Simulation. Straight-out-of-camera JPEGs look like black-and-white prints made from 35mm film. Amazing!
Fujifilm JPEG Settings: Street Fujifilm JPEG设置:街拍1、Film Simulation: Classic Chrome 胶片模拟:经典Chrome2、Grain: Off 颗粒:关闭3、Highlights: -1 高光:-14、Shadows: +2 阴影:+25、Colour: -1 颜色:-16、Sharpness: +1 锐度:+17、Noise Reduction: 0 降噪:0 这个的色彩效果和彩色FX蓝色设置没...
We have shared the rumor thatFujifilm will launch a new film simulation on September 12. So the question now is: which film would you like to get on Fujifilm cameras in digital format with the next film simulation*? It does not have to be anoriginal Fujifilm film stock, but it can be...
Re: Favourite fuji film simulation poll Septermber 2024 In reply to fuji_phil_e • 4 months ago 2 fuji_phil_e wrote: Astia. For me, Astia is a great starting point for birding shots. I use the LR profile for it when editing raw files of birds, and I save an Astia jpeg alo...
The XF10 lacks Fujifilm’s greatest film simulation: Acros. Instead it has the old Monochrome option, which is alright but not nearly as good as Acros. Despite this, it is possible to get nice black-and-white camera-made JPEGs from the XF10. There are four different options, and to un...
Introduction to Fujifilm’s Film Simulation modes atBHphoto Explora Fujifilm Manager: “We Investigate the Next Film Simulation” –read here Fujifilm Rethink RAW :: JPEG is Your Friend and Fuji’s Film Simulations Rock –read here Fuji Vs. Fuji :: ...