起初我打算命名这个配方叫“FujicolorNegative”,因为它有类似Fujicolor Superia-like的效果,但是碰巧我看到一些Kodak ColorPlus 400拍摄的照片,它们看起来与我这个新配方也特别相似。尽管此配方与ColorPlus 400的相似完全是偶然的,但我仍认为称它为“Color Negative 400”更合适,是因为它在柯达胶片而不是Fujicolor大致范...
This Fujifilm Negative Film Simulation Recipe is intended for sunny daylight photography. It works well in overcast conditions, too, and indoor natural light. It might not be the best choice for artificial light situations (can be a bit too yellow), and can be a bit too cool in the shade....
, the third negative film simulation, is modeled on SUPERIA film. Although we already have two other negative film simulations, those were designed with a particular process in mind—specifically, for taking photos under professional lighting. It sounds bad to say that SUPERIA is for amateurs, bu...
以Classic Negative作为创作新的Fujicolor Superia 800胶片模拟配方的起点,这是因为这个新的配方主要模仿Fujicolor Superia的“Superia-like”色彩。在这个配方中,我使用了清晰度和彩色FX蓝色功能。不幸的是,清晰度功能在一定程度上增加了相机拍摄耗时,所以你不得不接受变慢的拍摄速度,或者通过后期处理RAW格式照片再对清晰...
film simulation looked great both during the day and night. During the day it handled skin tones nicely, being slightly magenta versus green. At night the colours came alive, with the right amount of contrast and shadow detail. I hope Fujifilm will push this new film simulation to some of ...
One of the first things that I hoped to accomplish after buying a Fujifilm GFX100S II camera last month is to understand how compatible X-series Film Simulation Recipes are with GFX, and what adjustments should be made, if any. I had anticipated this bei
Picking the names of film simulations Classic negative was initially called “Superia.” However, the name has changed due to various reasons. ACROS was ACROS from the beginning to the end. And more “color depth” is “tonality.” Brightness tonality, hue tonality, saturation...
Based on PRO160NH, a color negative film for professionals, this Film Simulation mode has slightly harder tonal gradation than PRO Neg. Std. It is mainly used in portrait photography where the lighting is not easily controlled. It provides the right amount of shadows even under flat lighting....
The original film was very loved by wedding photographers and seems to be ready to make its comeback in form of a new film simulation. Let’s hope it will find its way in as many older Fujifilm cameras as possible. But so far I have no rumors about any firmware updates in this regard...
Fujifilm considers Reala Ace an “all-around” film simulation, promising slightly muted colors, harder-than-average highlight tones, and softer shadows compared to the Provia (Standard) film simulation. “There was a time when conventional wisdom suggested negative film was only for recording memori...