The GFX 100S fits most of the capabilities of the GFX 100 into a smaller and more affordable body. We've tested what the camera offers to see who it might make sense for.
to be fair to Fuji, the GFX 100S is much more similar to the 100 than the 100 was to the 50S. So it looks as if they are beginning to settle on a consistent design ethos in what is, after all, a relatively young
四、连拍与电池续航 富士GFX100S II的连拍速度达到了7幅/秒,对于捕捉动态瞬间非常有帮助。电池续航能力也让我感到满意,一天的外出拍摄基本不用担心电量问题。 五、总结 富士GFX100S II无反中画幅相机在画质、对焦、防抖、连拍和电池续航等方面都表现出色。尤其是其1亿像素的传感器,为摄影作品带来了前所未有的纯净度...
当年GFX 100S以体型相对轻巧及性能卓越著称,然而处理速度缓慢却是一大缺点。 GFX 100S II 不仅改进了前代大多数的缺点,还顺带将价格下调 2500 美元,让相机整体都更具吸引力。 GFX 100SII使用1.02亿像素高速感光元件和X-Processor 5影像处理器,机身重量约883克(包含电池和内存卡),是同系列中最轻的机型。 其五...
富士在今年一月底发布了GFX100S无反相机,该机延续GFX100 1亿200万像素的影像核心,同时拥有16-bit RAW的影像格式,支持4K 30p 10-bit 4:2:0(内录)/10-bit 4:2:2(外录),且机身总重量下降至900g,支持5轴6级防抖。本文就对该机进行详细的评测,文末还有大量的实拍样张以供大家参考。
he prefers it over the GFX100 body he likes that GFX100S has no integrated grip. Should be as compact and small as possible he likes the customizability he loves the AF-ON position, but does not feel like a solid press EVF is not bad, but not on GFX100 level ...
Matt Granger tested the brand new Fujifilm GFX100S along with the Fujinon GF80mmF1.7. Here are his thoughts from his various videos covering it. Fujifilm GFX100S: BHphoto / AmazonUS / Adorama / Focuscamera / Moment GF80mmF1.7 R WR: BHphoto / A...
性价比腹肌 Fujifilm GFX 100S 1106 -- 6:10 App 【4K】一亿像素中画幅相机富士 GFX100S评测-小机身大传感器 1.8万 5 16:00 App 【4K】腹肌南波湾!!FUJI X-E4 27mm II镜头评测 220 -- 9:03 App 【1080P】新增功能-Fujifilm X-E4,Fujinon 27mm f2.8,Fujifilm GFX100S等 1409 -- 6:35 App ...
目前GFX100S用的是索尼老款G卡和东芝N502金卡都是128GB,RAW1秒左右写入完成。 操控 前拨轮能直接调整ISO(索尼机器不能用前拨轮直接进行调整,后波轮倒是可以),而且还可以按动来切换EV调整(索尼机器是死的)。 前后波轮均能按动 说实话没有方向键初次使用非常痛苦,不过645中画幅再此之上按键更少。摇杆手感不如R4...
富士在今年一月底发布了GFX100S无反相机,该机延续GFX100 1亿200万像素的影像核心,同时拥有16-bit RAW的影像格式,支持4K 30p 10-bit 4:2:0(内录)/10-bit 4:2:2(外录),且机身总重量下降至900g,支持5轴6级防抖。本文就对该机进行详细的评测,文末