相机📷:Fuji GFX100sii (近期)、Fuji xt4 (近两三年) ,偶尔用过的相机是理光gr3,再之前用的相机是Canon Eos6d2,近三年拍的照片用的都是定焦镜头胶片机🎞️: 奥林巴斯u2、Contax t2,个人比较喜欢的卷是proimage100,ultramax400,5207电影卷有一个小小的请求希望大家可以给我拍的照片提一点建议🥰因为想...
挑战不后期人像摄影,这样的色调你爱了吗?Fuji GFX100S直出, 视频播放量 1173、弹幕量 1、点赞数 3、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 2、转发人数 0, 视频作者 WYP一平, 作者简介 玩摄影10余年,关注立森玩摄影不入坑,大疆体验店,短视频直播设备解决方案,培训摄影旅游~,相关视
First Looks: Fujifilm GFX100S + GF500mmF5.6 BH Explora –FUJIFILM GFX 100S II, GF 500mm f/5.6, X-T50, and XF 16-50mm f/2.8-4.8 50.8 Shop –X-T50 and GFX100SII announcement thephoblographer –GF500mm review thephoblographer –GFX100SII review gizguide –FUJIFILM GFX100SII and...
富士 GFX100S 上手体验 8164 7 09:48 App 富士X-Pro 6规格泄露 2025年最期待的相机? 1142 0 03:53 App 用哈苏X2D捕捉哥本哈根冬晨的美 1041 0 00:34 App 刷到即缘分! 双倍的「富」有! |富士X100VI📷 + 富士山🗻|Tilta 富士X100VI 复古套件...
NEW NEW: Fuji GFX 100S II. 16 May 2024NEW NEW: Fuji GF 500mm f/5.6. 16 May 2024NEW: Fuji X100VI Review. Fixed 23mm f/2 ASPH (35mm eq.), 40MP APS-C, ISO 125-12,800 (64L-51,200H2), DCI 6K/30, 4K/60, Frame.io, reversed metal 49mm filter thread, 18.4 oz./521g ...
Photons to Photos has published its dynamic range results for the Fujifilm GFX100II. As to expect, the GFX100II now takes the lead as the mirrorless camera that will give you the highest dynamic range with a slight boost over the Fujifilm GFX100S due to an optimized sensor design, as we...
Re: Fuji GFX 100 II + 55mm f1.7 samples In reply toBeatX•Oct 20, 2023 BeatX wrote: wow! Thanks -- hide signature -- https://www.kristiansekulic.com https://www.instagram.com/kristiansekulic kristian1's gear list: Canon EOS R5Fujifilm GFX 100 IICanon EF 500mm f/4.0L IS II US...
商品名称:富士胶片(FUJI FILM)GFX100 II 商品编号:10080988588038 店铺: 嘉禧数码专营店 视频拍摄能力:8K 30P,4K 30P 像素:1-2亿 类型:机身 RAW照片输出:16bit 镜头卡口:富士GF卡口 适用对象:专业级 功能:8K视频,5轴防抖,4K视频,高速连拍,Wi-Fi 传感器尺寸:中画幅 视频采样:4:2:2 适用场景:人物摄影,静物...
Fujifilm GFX 100S II Fujifilm GF 110mm F2 Fujifilm GF 100-200mm F5.6 Fujifilm GF 50mm F3.5 Fujifilm GF 20-35mm F4 R WR +1 more Reply to thread Reply with quote Complain lighthunter80 • Senior Member • Posts: 1,165 Re: Voigtlander 18mm vs. Fuji In reply to Ap0ll0n ...
Fujifilm GFX100S II + Fujinon 80mm f/1.7 lens at f/1.7 +Reggie’s Portra The closer the subject is to the end of the lens, the more shallow the depth-of-field will be, and the further the subject is, the larger the depth-of-field will be, regardless of the aperture. In other ...