the connection starts with sending a request by the client to the server. First, a control connection is established. To do this, a temporary port is created on the client with a number in the range from 1024 to 65535 for establishing a control connection, as well as a port for data tr...
As per the below example, you can replace the standard FTP port 21 with 10022. Make the port number change for FTP in /etc/services file, as shown below. ftp 10022/tcp # File Transfer [Control] Copyftp 10022/udp # File Transfer [Control] Copy Create a backup of the SRCsubsvr ODM ...
If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly. 展开表 NameTypeDescriptionRequired Server Address string Server Address True User Name string User Name True Password securestring Password True FTP Server Port int FTP Port Number (...
ftp_data_port=port number 设定ftp数据传输端口(ftp-data)值。默认值为20。此参数用于PORT FTP模式。 port_promiscuous=YES|NO 默认值为NO。为YES时,取消PORT安全检查。该检查确保外出的数据只能连接到客户端上。小心打开此选项。 pasv_enable=YES|NO YES,允许数据传输时使用PASV模式。NO,不允许使用PASV模式。默...
#liunx环境下设置 /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.confpasv_enable=YES|NOpasv_min_port=port numberpasv_max_port=port number 被动方式的FTP解决了客户端的许多问题,但同时给服务器端带来了更多的问题。最大的问题是需要允许从任意远程终端到服务器高位端口的连接。幸运的是,许多FTP守护程序,包括流行的WU-FTPD允许管理员指定...
123-First lineSecond line234 A line beginning with numbers123 The last line 然后,用户进程只需要在一行的开头搜索第二次出现的相同回复代码,后跟 (空格),并忽略所有中间行。如果中间线以 3 位数字开头,则服务器必须填充前面以避免混淆。 该方案允许将标准系统例程用于回复信息(例如用于 STAT 回复),并附加“人...
If using a “passive” FTP connection setting, the client computer also connects to the server on FTP port 21. However, the server responds with a random port number, in a free range of ports, to use for the data port for file transfers. ...
Listen port : 21 Ipv6 listen port : 21 ACL 4 name : ACL 4 number : 0 Current user count : 0 Max user number : 5 Source IPv4 address : Source interface : Source IPv6 address : :: Source IPv6 VpnName : --- 请执行步骤3。 检查FTP服务器的侦听端口号是否是缺省端口号。 在...
%Warning:There is a file already existing with this name Do you want to over write? [confirm] Accessing Erase flash: before copying? [confirm] Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] ...
ftp[cluster|ftp-server[port-number] ] 【视图】 用户视图 【参数】 cluster:集群FTP服务器。 ftp-server:远程FTP服务器的主机名(长度为1~20的字符串)或IP地址。 port-number:远程FTP服务器的端口号,取值范围为0~65535,缺省值为21。 【描述】